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I opened the letter. It showed very pretty handwriting. I started to read. The words make me feel a sappy warm feeling....When two souls fall in love, there's nothing else but the yearning to be close to the other. The presence that is felt from a hand held, a voice heard, or a smile seen. Souls don't have calendars or clocks, nor do they understand the motion of time or distance. They only know it feels right with to be with another. This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not there - even if they are only in the next room. Your soul only feels their absence - it doesn't realize the separation is temporary.

Can I ask you something?

Why does every time we say goodnight it feels like goodbye?

Thats all it said. I didn't really know who it was from since it didn't have name. But I always kept it with me in case I would figure it out..

Two years later...

I graduated last year. And I was taking a break in-between college and high school. Which caused me to make a decision to go to Germany for the fall and winter. I was planning to stay with Tom and bill while I was their.

I was now 18 years old and mom told me before I left that if I thought it was a good idea then she could trust me. I've missed her and Claire ever since I've left. But to be honest I've never felt happier before coming to Germany.

I've gotten closer to bill and my feelings for him have now become more pronounced. I figured out I had a crush on bill about a year ago after he took me to me to this bakery for my birthday.

It was how the golden sun make his skin look like it pure gold and shiny. And his smile...oh his smile.

It was now 2008 and I'd made plans to hang out with bill for today since Tom had plans with a girl. I was slowly learning German and it was getting better but even if I spoke German most people responded I'm English.

Which is why bill or Tom would speak for me. Anyways back to the now. Me and bill are walking down a sidewalk. It was around November so most of the leaves had fallen and the weather had gotten much colder.

I had both of my hands in my jackets pocket as we both walked side by said not really saying anything.

"We turn right here." Bill said lightly grabbing my forearm and guiding me to this almost empty park.

It had many red and orange trees and a lake in the middle. I turned my head around taking in this Pinterest like picture.

"Whoa...this is so beautiful." I said trying to keep up with bill as he walked faster then me.

Finally bill sat down on this bench. I sat next to him and saw the view. You could see the lake. It had many ducks and beautiful flowers surrounding it. It looked like something out of a hallmark movie.

"Yeah it is really beautiful." Bill said before sighing contentedly

I turned to look at bill. He looked gorgeous. By the way his side profile just looked...angelic.

Bill the turned to me a small smile plastered on his face. "So what do you think?" He asked gesturing to the park

"I think it's pretty.."I said turning quickly to the lake in front of us.

"Why did you take me to this park though..?" I asked placing my cold hands in my lap to warm them up.

"Oh...well it was my favorite park when I was younger since my step dad always took me and Tom here...and I'd just want to share that with a special person.." bill said making me turn to him. I could a small pink form on his cheeks

"Oh...thank you bill." I said feeling my stomach form butterflies. Did bill really think of me as a special person?

I felt something in my mind telling me to confess to bill. I mean I felt like he liked me. But how do I word it?

I was lost in thought when I felt bills hand on my shoulder. I then turn to him our faces almost touching. Both of us not moving. "Bill..." I said before bill then closed the space between us.

I felt my body freeze for a second. I then slowly placed a hand on bills shoulder as I kissed back. This all felt so fast but at the same time so right...

After a few more seconds we both pull back. A little out of breath, we both are pink. "I'm so sorry..."bill said now his face filled with sadness and regret.

"No I mean...I was about to tell you...uh jeez this is really hard to say." I said feeling the nerves getting to me. I felt like throwing up.

"I liked you for some time..." I then looked away. Bills face then lightened up as he grabbed both of my hands making me face him.

"I thought you didn't feel the same way!" Bill said now smiling a bit harder. "How did you think that?" I said raising one eyebrow.

"Remember when we sent you that box?" Bill said making my jaw drop. He wrote the letter?!

"wait you wrote that letter??" I asked now everything making sense

"Who do you think wrote it?" Bill said making me feel a bit dumb

"I don't know...I didn't expect you to have such a way with words.."I said in a teasing tone

"Wait like guys?" I asked surprised because I've mostly seen him date women in the past

"Well...I don't really know what I am...but I know deep down I like you...I like you [name]" bill said squeezing my hands

"So...what are we?"

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