Chapter XXII

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"It's coming," Chase whispered to Jordyn.

"I know."

"We have to prepare."

"I know."

"What's going to happen?"

"I don't know."

The two looked at each other. Jordyn's hazel eyes looking into Chase's brown eyes. Silent conversation passed between them. Everything was going to be lost and they knew it. Six against six thousand. And unless there were more who were willing to fight. Six was all they would be.

"I should probably get the horses ready."

"Are we ever going to talk?"

"Talk about what?"

"You don't ever talk about you. You've mentioned your family. Your kraehet. All those things, family, pets, where you're from, but you've never told me about your connection with magic. Your magic."

Jordyn looked at him. "There's a reason for everything. You aren't ready to know everything. None of us are, but if knowing what kind of magic I have will help you trust me more, I guess it can't hurt.

"There are many names for the magic I have. Omni, Astra, Sight. My magic is the rarest of all. My sister was a wizard. My sister's boyfriend was a shapeshifter. Rodalya is a dragon. Omsya's magic: metal. Leon is a wizard. I am different from all of them. Magic told me my power was Pollo Oyaw. I didn't understand why something so powerful would be called fragile. Maybe because darkness can break it. Like a simple knife of darkness, could break the strand that is Pollo Oyaw."

"Pollo what?"

"Pollo Oyaw. In English it means 'Fragile sight'."

"Okay. I wouldn't call that explosion fragile."

"You should check your ears. Anyway, no one is like me. You would think that I would stand out but the opposite happens. No one notices me. Humans, titans, elves, dragons. I am invisible. They say if you can't see what's next to you, look forward because there is the answer. But that's not true. Sometimes there is no answer or sometimes there are so many answers you don't know which is right. You have to close your eyes and wait, not search."

"Jordyn, there is no such thing as right or wrong answers, at least not in our lives. Right and wrong is meant for people who see the world in black and white. In darkness and light. Jordyn, you shine brighter than the stars. It's hard to not see you."

Jordyn gasped. Chase looked at her with concern. Her eyes seemed to have glazed over, like she was in a daze.

"Jordyn? Are you alright?"

She nodded slightly before her knees gave out and she was on the ground.

"Jordyn, what's happening?"

"Everything. All at once." She closed her eyes and seemed to gain her composure. "The relics. They are preparing."

"I am confused."

She looked up at him and smiled, "It doesn't seem to take much."

Jordyn grabbed his hand and dragged him back to the camp grounds.

Everyone was gathered around a fire. Gaining warmth from its flames. Leon and Omsya were sitting next to each other, talking. Nadine was sitting by herself and so, too, was Rodalya.

"I need to tell y'all something."

Everyone looked at each other then Jordyn. The look in their eyes was expectant. Jordyn wanted to crack under the pressure. She cleared her throat and began.

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