Chapter XXXII

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Nadine stood among several fallen soldiers. All of which were dying and magic wasn't going to be of help as dark magic had caused the injuries. Gallera tried to tend to all of them but her efforts were useless. They were going to die.

"Gallera. It's pointless. You need your energy if you wish to survive."

"But most of these soldiers are young they have so much to live for."

"You're right. Do as you wish to help." Nadine knew that Gallera was going to wear herself out. But hope was one thing Nadine did not wish to take from the young elf.

The battle outside the fortress seemed to grow louder. Nadine felt trapped. She had a good shot, so why wasn't she to help? Many more soldiers abruptly came into the room. Four of them carried a young female archer. She looked burned all along her arms and legs.

"Mayhaps, that's why," Nadine thought aloud. "Mayhaps?" she questioned, sometimes she even shocked herself with the words that came out of her mouth.

"Take cover!" a soldier yelled. Suddenly a flaming boulder appeared flying in the sky. Only Nadine realized it wasn't flying but had been launched at the fort.

No one had any time. There was no escape. Nadine rushed to try and protect Gallera, but her protection was of no use.

The boulder destroyed everything that was there. Everyone died. Even Nadine.

Maw later a young man came running in. If Nadine had still been there she would have greeted him with open arms, but she wasn't. He had murdered her.

"Nadine! Please! I didn't realize," Faen called.

He searched and searched. He couldn't find anyone. There were bodies but they were all burnt to a crisp. His doing.

Many mawn passed and suddenly Faen came upon a child's body. The child, a girl, was dead but her body was in much greater condition then all the others.

"Strange," Faen whispered. Faen could tell that the blast indirectly hit the child but that could only mean someone had protected the girl but if that were the case where was his sister's body?

"She's gone." a voice whispered.
Faen whipped around. His ring sword was at the ready to fight anyone who dared take him on.

Silus stood behind him.

"What do you want?" Faen snapped.

"I wouldn't judge you for wishing to leave. Go grief with your family," Silus said.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me. Now go before my father finds out."

Faen ran out of the fallen fort and away from the battle-field.

Leon fought. Chase fought no more than five yards from him and Omsya fought, her sword ablaze, a little ways off but Leon could still see her through the mist.
"Leon!" Omsya called.

He immediately ran to her side and kneeled next to her. She only seemed scratched but the enemy soldiers were growing nearer.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Leon shouted at the soldiers. "IF YOU TOUCH HER, I WILL KILL YOU ALL!"

The soldiers only showed a slight hesitation.

"What do you plan to do? Silly boy? Stab us with that puny sword?" A soldier laughed.

Leon lashed out at the laughing soldier and the soldier's laugh ceased when they realized that their throat was slit.

"A man will do crazy things for love," Leon spat.

The other soldiers backed away, but one. Only this soldier stood behind Leon. If the soldier attacked, Leon would never see it coming.

"Leon, behind you," Omsya whispered hoarsely.

What Omsya had been dreading, happened. The young soldier attacked. His sword pierced the small of Leon's back . The soldier unaware of what he had done ran. The other soldiers followed suit and soon none of the soldiers that had once stood in the circle around them were to be seen except for the one that Leon killed.

Leon fell to the ground, careful not to fall on Omsya. Omsya carefully lifted herself up and turned to help Leon.

"Leon- Leon look at me," she whispered.

His eyes were glazed over with pain, but he still looked at her. Tears began to roll down her cheeks.

The boy, who Omsya had rescued, came over to the two.

"Leon," his voice was thick with an accent Omsya had never heard, "I will take care of her. Rest."

Leon's eyes closed and he took his last breath.

"No, no, no, no. NO! Leon, you have to wake up. I can't lose you too! Wake up!" Omsya's tears were rolling freely down her cheeks. Suddenly she turned to the boy she rescued, "This is all your fault!"

"Omsya, calm down," his voice was low and soothing, and his accent made his voice all the more charming. "I am only here to help you. My name is Selyce, but call me Sel."

Omsya once more looked into his eyes. She saw fear, anger, kindness, and love.

How could so much emotion be in one pair of eyes? she wondered.

"Come. The battle is over," he whispered.

Omsya let herself be pulled along. Chase was nowhere to be seen nor was Jordyn or Rodalya.

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