Part 4

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Allisons POV

When we get off of the train we have to go on boats? All the other people are getting in them so I sit in the same one as Jake, Enzo, Blaise and Mattheo.

The water is so calm, the waves are bashing off of each boat making the water tumble back into itself.

We get out of the boats to these magical carriages. They are literally moving but nothing is pulling them, The carriages only hold 4 people so Jake, Enzo Blaise and Mattheo take the first one, then Pansy, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle take the next one. So now I'm left with Daphne.

Eventually another carriage is there for us so we both get in, and 2 more girls join us. One has Blond curly hair and is wearing blue on her robes, the other girl has black hair straight hair and has green in her robes. As soon as the Magical carriage sets off the introduce themselves.

"Hi Daphne who's this you've got beside you" the green robe one says.

"Hi Molly, hi Luna this is Allison Evergreen, she is Jakes twin sister" said Daphne with the most sweetest voice - I'm sorry but how can someone's voice be that sweet.

With that the Girl in the green robe decided to introduce herself "hi there Allison, I'm Molly and this is my friend Luna" Luna gave me nod.

"It's nice to meet you both but you can call me Alli." I said to them smiling.

"So do you know what house your going to be in? Also how come we've never heard of you" Luna asked me.

"I don't now what house I'm going to be in, but my family has always been in Slytherin so I think I have good chances there. And I've always gone to Beauxbatons but I accidentally set fire to 1/3 of the school last year in revenge to someone but you know how fire is you can't really control it once it's set"

Molly looked at me smiling and seemed like she was going to say something but Daphne cut straight in "Guess what your brother did on the train. He offered to Jake that while Jake changed he would swap places to let Allison sleep on his arm instead of Jakes arm. But he fell asleep as well."

With that Daphne looked at me and then back at Molly who seemed surprised.

"Wait what, he let you fall asleep on him" She said with a grin on her face.

"Why do you look so shocked, I fell asleep on my brother and woke up to be asleep on Mattheo." I said with curiosity.

"He never offers to do that to anyone friend or not, he would normally bug the life out of them until they have enough and then an argument will ensue."

As I was about to say something we arrived at the castle, it's tall structure, the architecture on the building is absolutely phenomenal.

We got off to be greeted with the whole group from earlier. "So you've met Molly I assume" J said with a look in his face, I can't tell what the look ment but it was for something that I couldn't put my finger on.

"Yes I have she seems really nice, and so is Luna they're both really nice" I said happy.

With that we all started walking towards the castle, it was so grand and fancy yet old and ancient. It's funny to think that the building before me was made in the 10/11 century and it's all still there.

We walk through the grand Woden doors and up some stairs before my brother pulls me to the side "McGonagall wants to see you before you enter the great hall so I'm going to drop you off with her and then I'm going in"
"ok who is McGonagall?"
"She is the head of Gryffindor, and the deputy head"
"Ok well should we get going, we don't want to leave her standing there waiting now, do we" I say and the we walk towards an old lady.

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