Ch 13 - The Mysterious Wolf

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The girls were on the upper deck training. Alex watched as the stopwatch hit another minute, she was timing Luna to see how long she could hold her breath underwater.

"Are you sure she's alive?" asked Zay. "She's been down there for an awful long time."

"She's been down there for 15 minutes. She broke her record 5 minutes ago. She's insane!" Alex explained.

"I swear, that girl does not need oxygen to survive!" Mira commented.

Meanwhile, Luna was at the bottom of the ocean meditating. She felt someone's presence and opened her eyes to see a turtle was staring at her. She smiled, gave the reptile a pat and watched it as it swam away. She resumed her meditation, but soon swam back to the surface as she was losing air.

"Great job!" Zay cheered.

"I broke the record?" Luna asked.

"You kidding!? You destroyed it!!" Alex exclaimed, as she lent a hand to Luna and pulled her out of the water.

"Do you guys think we're getting stronger?" said Zay. "I mean, think of all we've accomplished!"


A few days ago, Zay accomplished climbing the tallest building in Night City, and acted as a lightning rod against the rainy and stormy weather.

Alex accomplished her goal of facing her fear by running barefooted on super hot rocks that came from an erupted volcano.

And Mira achieved 100 weight lifts with Zay and Alex sitting on the dumbbell.

Back to reality

"Every morning, my warm up goes for 5 five hours!" Alex said.

"5 hours? That's lame, try 10!" Mira exclaimed.

"What is this? A contest on who can do the longest warm up?" Zay asked. "Why don't we warm up for an entire day!? Since we're all pretty far off!"

"I personally believe we have reached our full potential!" said Luna.

Sensei Yang could hear the girls talking, but that wasn't on his mind, it was Ebony and the snakes. Ebony had been gone for weeks.

Alex: "At this point, we're unstoppable!"

"Let's ask Sensei what he thinks!" said Zay "Sensei, how do we-...," she trailed off when she saw Sensei Yang was upset.

"Our apologies, Sensei, we've interrupted you," said Luna.

"*Sigh* I-I'm sorry I've been distant lately. My mind is elsewhere since Ebony has gone missing," Sensei Yang explained, "Uh-...what can I help you girls with?"

"Sensei, have we reached our true potential? Because me, and the others, feel stronger then we did before!" asked Alex.

"I sense you four are getting close to unlocking your true potential, but you have not yet reached it," Sensei Yang replied.

"Well, how do we unlock it?" asked Mira.

"In each and every one of us, there are obstacles that hold us back. Only if you conquer that fear, will your heart be free. Only then will your reach your true potential. Only then will you have a chance to rescue Ebony and stop the snakes," Sensei Yang explained.

"Sensei, neither of us seem to figure out what the snakes are plotting," said Zay. "So... what are they trying to do?"

Sensei Yang saddened. "There are stories I never told you. I weren't ready... Long ago, there was a balance between good and evil. One day there was a battle with the Overlord. He was known to be King of All Evil. He had an army of warriors and my father vanquished him to a tomb, everyone was forbidden to enter," he explained. "The snakes are trying to reawaken him by finding the four stones of creation."

Night Ninjas- Book 1: Destiny of the Yellow NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now