Ch 7 - Hypnotised

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It was early in the morning, the girls were still sleeping but Sensei Yang was up. He went into the girls room and woke them up by hitting a gong.

"Wake up! It is not time to sleep!" he said.

The girls did not take it well. Mira sighed and fell off the bed. Alex grunted and turned to the right side. Luna covered her ears with her pillow and Zay pulled the covers over her head. Sensei Yang banged the gong louder in her ear.

"Up! Up! Up!" he yelled.

"Ugh! Alright! Enough! I'm up!" Zay surrendered and got in a sitting position.

The other girls soon reluctantly woke up.

"Ugh! Sensei! it's Sunday!" Alex grunted as she pulled the covers over her head, not wanting to leave.

"Exactly! time for our morning sunrise exercise!" said the Sensei.

"Sensei, if we need to unlock our true potential, shouldn't we get a goodnight of sleep?" said Mira as she stretched her back.

"There is still a lot that needs be done. There are many of my lessons that I have yet to teach and you have barely figured out what powers your golden weapons! It is important to overcome these obstacles," Sensei Yang explained.

"Ugh! Sensei, can we do the sunrise exercise tomorrow!? Because no one likes a Monday!" Alex said.

"Never put off tomorrow with what can be done today!," Sensei Yang stated.

Zay: "Ugh! I'm guessing that's todays lesson!"

"Now make provision! I will be outside waiting!" Sensei Yang said before leaving.

The girls got up and made their way to the bathroom to go brush their teeth.

"Ugh! It is way too early for this!" Alex said, while also rubbing her eye.

"I know, right?" Mira added as she squirted toothpaste on her brush. Something on Mira's neck caught Alex's attention. She moved her hair out of the way to get a better look.

Mira instantly spat the toothpaste out of her mouth.

"What are you doing!?!" she blurted out.

"I didn't know you had a wolf tattoo!" Alex replied.

"Oh! That!" Mira sputtered. She removed Alex's hand off her and covered the tattoo with her hair. "It's not a tattoo... I was born with it."

"Then what is it? A birthmark?" Zay asked, making it sound like a joke and the others snickered.

"Probably..." Mira replied, with a hint of shame in her voice. The other girls looked at her confused.

"I don't know what it is! Or what it means! I just know that I was born with it and that... I'm ashamed of it..." Mira explained.

"What in its image, do you not approve of?" Luna asked.

"*Sigh* It's because I'm the only one who's born with something like this and I don't know what it means..." Mira replied "...I've never seen anyone else with a similar... thing on their neck!"

"So? That doesn't mean you should be ashamed of it" Alex stated. "In fact, I think it suits you."

"Indeed," Luna added.

"I agree!" Zay finished.

" *Sigh* I just hope one day I can figure out what it means because it's not normal to be born with it," Mira said.

* * *

The girls soon got ready. They joined Sensei Yang outside and copied his stretchers.

"We will start with the tree," Sensei Yang said. He made a pose and the girls copied him.

Night Ninjas- Book 1: Destiny of the Yellow NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now