Ch 22 - Samurai Awakenings

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It was early in the morning, the girls were all sleeping in their shared bedroom. Silence was all that could be heard but that soon changed, when Ebony started to let out cries of pain. The girls were concerned for her, they went to see if she was ok.

"Ebony, are you ok?" Alex asked, as she rubbed her back smoothly.

"My stomach hurts!" Ebony replied.

The others, looked at one another concerned for their friend. Alex then removed the blanket off Ebony, revealing blood stains and the girls gasped.

Ebony noticed the stains and was terrified " *Gasp* Blood!? W-What happened- what I-!?!"

"Relax, Ebony. It's just part of being a teenager. You've just started your period," Mira explained.

"W-What's a period?" Ebony asked.

"You don't know what a period is?!" Zay said and Ebony shook her head in response.

"A period is a monthly experience that every young female faces," Luna explained. "It is where the ova-"

"You don't need to give her the full science explanation, Tin Head!" Alex interrupted.

"I was... only answering her question...," said Luna.

Alex sighed in annoyance. "To put it in simple words, a period is a monthly experience where a girl bleeds once a month. It usually goes on for about a week and it's to prepare her for having kids," she told Ebony.

Mira handed her some pads. "Take these. Go get yourself cleaned up."

Ebony was about to leave but then Zay spoke up.

"Although, I wanna know, how can you not know what a period is?" she asked. "I mean... didn't your mum ever teach you?"

Ebony saddened. "I don't remember my mother... she abandoned me before I could even lay eyes on her..."

"Wait! so then who took care of you?" Mira asked.

"Well... I grew up only knowing my father but of course he was vanquished to the Underworld, he couldn't take care of me. I was raised in a boarding school, that's where I spent my whole life. Eventually, I escaped...."

Alex: "Heh! I can relate!"

"...And only knowing my father, I thought I had to carry his legacy. So that's what I did, by unleashing the snakes... My father had his army of skeletons, I wanted my army like him. As we know that backfired. The snakes got united and unleashed the Overlord...the reason evil had been brought into this world is because of me..." Ebony explained and left, leaving the others to feel sorry for her.

Meanwhile with Armaggon, he was at Snake Trail Village. Something had been on his mind, it was what the Overlord last said to him.

"You're sending me to the dark island! Find it and you can turn Night City into your own image! I'll be there waiting!!"

It wasn't long till the snakes arrived.

"Is he still in charge?" Hisstopher whispered to the other snakes.

"Why did you call us?" Slithers asked.

"It was what the Overlord last said to me... something about a dark island..." replied Armaggon. "I feel I must find this island.. and see what's it about!"

The snakes didn't know how they felt about this. After all, the Overlord nearly destroyed the city. But then, Hisstopher thought he could use this to his advantage, to be King of All Snakes, so he and the other snakes agreed to help him.

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