Chapter Ten

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Just a question, does anybody actually read these little author's notes of mine? If you do, comment and let me know. This way I'll be able to see if putting these here is actually worth the time I spend doing it... -_- :3

"Okay, Mr Elric, the paperwork has been filed. You are now officially reinstated in the Amestrian Military." Fuhrer Grumman smiled down at him, handing him the orange slip containing the official documents. "What do you think, Lieutenant Elric?" Edward tried to smile back at him, but failed. He saluted instead. He was going to have to get back in the habit of doing that.

"Thank you, sir!" He said in that monotone, emotionless voice your typical soldier would use. "I appreciate the exception you've made for me." After all, were he any other person, he would have had to go through years of Military Academy, and then he would still have started off at the very bottom as an enlisted. It would have taken him years to reach this high-ranking position of Lieutenant, if he weren't previously a Major, a State Alchemist, the Fullmetal. Lieutenant was lower on the scale, three ranks under Major, but it was still fairly high compared to where he would have been. Grumman laughed.

"Come on, Ed. You don't have to take that tone around me, it gets boring, you know. Just talk to me normally."

"Yes, sir." Ed said, relaxing his voice.

"There we go. You know, Ed, I'm very glad you decided to return to the military. We need a good kid like you, you might be able to bring a little bit of light to this boring place."

"I'll do my best, sir." He replied.

"Well, then, best be off to Mustang's office, so he can show you all your duties. You'll be working under him, so you don't have to worry about too much. He'll help you, and, who knows, maybe you'll get promoted soon, depending on your work ethic." Grumman gave him a quick wink. "Well, off you go, lad." He said.

"Yes, sir!" Edward said, saluting. He turned around and excited the great house-sized room that was the Fuhrer's office, and turned right, toward the office of General Mustang. It felt really weird, wearing an actual military uniform for the first time in his life. He wondered why they'd never made him wear it when he'd been a State Alchemist, and, after a moment of deliberation, decided they probably thought it was bad enough having a child in the military, but if the public seen a child actually walking around in military uniform, they might start to turn negative towards the state. But Edward was older now, it wouldn't bother anyone any more.

Lost in his own thoughts, Edward almost walked right past Mustang's door. He quickly spun on his heel and stood in front of it, unsure of what to do now that he was here. Shrugging, he raised his fist and knocked three times. "Come on in." He heard Mustang's voice from inside. He shuddered, and twisted the door handle, stepping inside. The room was empty of people, save for Mustang himself. The usual cluster of desks in the center where Mustang's subordinates worked were stacked with papers, except for one, the one closest to Mustang, which was empty. Edward gathered that was where he would be working. He shut the door behind him and turned to face the man he so despised. A moment passed and Edward realized he was supposed to salute in the presence of his superior officer. He did it quickly, not wanting to be punished for improper conduct. He saw Roy's eyes skimming up and down, taking him in. It made him feel gross, and he wished Roy would hurry up and say something to break the silence; he had no idea what to say. After several eternity-long moments, Mustang spoke. "Well, don't you turn out well in your uniform." Ed had no idea what to say to that.

"Come here, Edward." Mustang said. Edward complied, taking slow steps to his once-more superior. "It's been three weeks since you were admitted to the hospital. How are you feeling?" He asked, and Edward was a little taken back.

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