Chapter 9: Im sorry

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I've been at Arlo's house all day. We've mostly just relaxed and watched movies. I'm still in his clothes from last night and i couldn't be more comfortable.

I couldn't feel more safe.

I've convinced him to do some studying before school tomorrow so we sit at his desk working.

"I don't understand." He groans flopping his head onto the table.

"Come on you can do it."

"I don't want too." He lifts his head back up looking out the window.

"It's not that hard, just lo-"

The sounds of yelling and things crashing echo from downstairs. I look at Arlo as his jaw clenches standing up and pulls me up with him.

He grabs our books and shoves them under the bed making our papers become disorganised.

"Are y-" He slaps his hand over my mouth making my eyes widen.

I look into his sad eyes and stay quiet as he takes his hand off my mouth.

He goes to his brown cupboard that's in his room and opens it, it's completely empty, no shelves besides one.

The top shelf has food, drinks, books, torches and a lamp.

Sounds of footsteps go up the stairs.

Arlo quickly pushes me into the cupboard and steps in closing the door.

His body leans into mine in the small space as my back is flush against the cold wood.

Arlo stares down into me are tears well in his eyes.

"Please, just be quiet." He whispers, barely any noise coming out.

I nod in understanding.

His hands wrap on my waist gently as he leans the side of his face against the top of mine. His lips brushing along the top of my ear.

The sound of a door opening makes me shiver nervously and Arlo grips me tighter.

My teeth almost start chatting like they do when i'm nervous but Arlo puts his hand in my mouth to stop me from making any noise.

His pinky finger is in my teeth the rest of his land laying over my chin.

Another sound of a door opening makes me unintentionally suck on Arlo's finger.

"Arlo, are you home?" His mums voice fills the room.

We stay silent.


The door closes again and footsteps thump going downstairs as more things shatter.

Arlo quickly pushes open the cupboard and walks across his room opening his window.

I slowly walk towards him and he looks out the window where there is steps in a tree that go down to the ground.

I look back at him and he softly brushes my baby hairs off my face before climbing out the window.

He puts his hands out to me and i climb through the window also. He closes it and then we go down the steps in the tree.

He jumps down before gripping my waist pulling me out the tree to the ground.

"You okay?" He whispers.

I nod a response.

He holds my hand and we walk down the street in silence away from his house.

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