Chapter 17: In my way

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Arlo. In jail.

I feel sick as i drive over to the police station. I really, really hope he is okay.

I know he wouldn't do anything like this.

I park my car and walk into the station and my body freezes as i see Arlo's dad from behind as he's talking with an officer.

I know it's him because i've seen so many pictures in their house.

"Sir, you can't bail him out when your under the influence." The cop says.

He's fucking drunk? It's mid-day?

"Excuse me, your in my way." I glare at his dad before looking at the officer.

"Im here to bail out Arlo."

"Come with me." The officer nods and as i step Arlo's dad grips my wrist pulling me back.

"Who the hell are you?" He growls.

"Arlo's girlfriend."

"You really want to be with a fuck-wit like him?"

I have to refrain myself from punching this grown man. I wiggle out his grip and follow the officer where he unlocks Arlo's cell.

Arlo comes out and instantly wraps his arms around me nuzzling his head into my neck.

"My darling." He cries.

"Shhh, it's okay."

"I-it was Larry." He says.


"He put the jewellery in my pocket."

My body tenses.

I never knew he would take it so low.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fau-" I say but Arlo cuts me off pulling his head out my neck.

"It's not your fucking fault at all. His actions are not yours which means it is not your fault. He's fucked up multiple times in his life, clearly. It's not your fault. Trust me."

"Okay." I smile giving him a soft kiss.

He smiles kissing me again, harsher this time.

"Can we go to your house?" He asks softly as he fiddles with my shirt.

"Of course."

He holds my hand as we leave, ignoring the nasty comments his dad snarks.

Arlo only grips my hand tighter as we walk to my car. For once, i'm driving and he's in the passenger seat. He holds my hands the entire drive, not daring to let go.

We walk up to my room and we lay under the covers. Arlo lays between my legs on his belly, his head on my stomach as his hands softly rub my hips.

I run my hands through his hair and watch as he slowly falls asleep. I grab my book off my bedside table and read it with one hand, the other tangled in his blonde locks.

He breaths deeper as his grip on my waist tightens. He then begins giggling.


In his sleep?

He continues to giggle which makes me smile looking at him.

"Baby, cut it out." He smiles.
"Stop kissing me i need to concentrate!"

He lets out a deep sigh.

"I'm studying for the test so i can pass for you, Eva."

My cheeks flame pink listening to him still think about me in his dreams.

He then stops talking, sleeping still. I look back at my book and read for ages.

"Baby." Arlo's voice rasps as he shuffles around slightly.


"Hm, i won."

"You won, what?"

"You. I won you over."

"Yes, yes you did."

He shuffles up my body further nuzzling his head into my neck, his warm breath sending a shiver down my spine.

"Am i too heavy on you?" He asks.

"No, i'm fine."

"Good." He whispers.
"Do you know how beautiful you are?"

My belly erupts with butterflies at him calling me beautiful.

He giggles lifting his head out my neck looking at me as his head hangs over mine.

He gives me a soft kiss, then another, and another.

"Can i just sleep with our lips kissing?"

"Um why?"

"So i can taste you all night long."

I giggle as his nose brushes against mine before returning his head to my neck slowly falling asleep.

Sorry there is a lot of short chapters but i'd kinda prefer cute short ones then boring weird long ones yk

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Sorry there is a lot of short chapters but i'd kinda prefer cute short ones then boring weird long ones yk

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