Chapter 8: Skinny dipping

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The rest of the trip was just us all hanging out and enjoying time together. Me and Arlo shared a bed for the rest of the time but we didn't cuddle.

I walk out of school in a good mood after spending our break times with Arlo and the boys along with Cora. I think she's my friend and i'm happy she is.

As i turn a corner Janet and her group of 2 minions come over to me and anxiety travels my body.

"Hi Eva!" Janet smiles almost creepily.

"Um hi."

"Your like super pretty." Her friend says.

I smile softly at them.

"Wait you don't know us! I'm Olivia and that's Blaire." A bright blonde haired girl, Oliva, says.


"So we're going skinny dipping tonight at the peer and we were thinking you should come." Janet says.

"I-i don't think so."

"Oh come on, it will be fun." Blaire sighs.

"Thanks for the offer but i don't want too."

"Stop being such a worry wart, it will be fun babes." Janet takes a step closer to me making my breath hitch.

"Okay." I whisper.

Why did i just agree to this? I don't want too.

"Good, we'll pick you up from your house at 9."


That's so late to go skinny dipping, it will be dark.

"Yeah it will be fun."


"Wear just comfy clothes because we're going to be naked anyways."

I nod my head as i feel sick to my stomach.

Naked, infront of all these perfect girls.

I want to look like them.

Maybe it's not such a bad thing it will be dark.

"Also, don't tell Arlo or his friends."


"It's a girls thing."


They all wink in unison before turning around and walking away leaving me standing.


I stand in my front yard in matching tracksuits waiting for Janet, Blaire and Oliva.

I couldn't feel more horrible, insecure, anxious and sick.

A big white 7 seater tesla comes zooming around the corner, the lights flashing in my eyes as music blasts.

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