Chapter 2: Meeting everyone

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I step onto the morning bus excited for school. Don't get me wrong, i hate the work with everything in my blood but i love seeing my friends.

It's better than being home.

"Hey Kev." I nod at the driver Kevin handing him my cash.

"Oi Arlo this is too much." He calls as i walk down the middle of the bus.

"Keep it."


The worst part about taking the bus is that there is barely any kids from school on this one. I mean i could easily just drive my car to school but the bus makes me feel more normal. Like i just haven't had everything handed to me by my parents to make up for fighting around me.

This bus leaves at 7:30 and people don't get to school that early besides me usually.

I walk down the isles looking for a seat smiling at people.

My heart speeds up as i see Eva sitting next to the window with earbuds in looking out the window.

I still feel horrible about hitting her in the head with that basketball. I didn't mean it at all and seeing those tears in her eyes hurt so fucking bad and i'm not sure why.

I walk and slide in the empty seat next to her. I don't think she has noticed me sit here yet.

A good five minutes have passed and i need her attention. I stare at Eva. She's so beautiful.

She looks at me and takes her earphones out.

"Hello." I smile. Finally she's noticed me!

Her lips upturn at the corners slightly before she looks away. She really doesn't talk much but that's okay.

"How's your head?"

She looks back to me.

"It's okay."

"Good." I nod.

"I like your b-"

"Attenburgh highschool arrival." It rings through the speakers.

Can i not finish that sentence ever?

I pick up my bag and slide out the seat as Eva follows behind me. We step off the bus the cool air chilling my body.

I wait for Eva and walk next to her as she walks into school.

"Do you normally catch that bus?" I ask trying to keep conversation.

"Ever since i started yesterday."

"Oh yeah."

I internally punch myself forgetting she's new.

"How come i didn't see you on there yesterday?"

"My mum drove me for the first day."

"Oh coo- my older sister has the same shoes as you."

Well she did.

Eva nods at my rambling.

I follow as she enters the library and sits down. I walk sitting opposite her forgetting everything i needed to do.

She pulls a book out her bag and opens it beginning reading.

"What are you reading?"

She lifts the cover and it reads 'Twisted love.'

I'll add that to my list to read.

She lowers it back down as she reads.

"You don't talk much do you?" I tilt my head.

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