Chapter 4

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Pov Y/n

"Oh Crack!" My alarm shows 11.27am. Steve and Natasha will be in the park in 30 minutes and I'm still in my fucking pyjama. How can it be that I didn't hear my alarm?! I look at my clock realizing why. Stupid me
Nat: Idiot

Me: rude

Nat: Deserved. Now go get ready!

Me: Bla Bla Bla

I smell myself. Oh shush I smell like shit. As quick as I can I jump into the shower washing away my stinky me. I jump out throwing some clothes on as another message appears on the display.

Nat: alright Steve is finally done getting himself ready. We're on our way now. Will be there in a few.

Me: Me too ig. See ya

Fuck! Man how am I supposed to be at the park in 10 minutes when my way already takes at least 13?! I guess I gotta run then. Storming down the stairs I grab my bag, say good bye to my mom and run out. Since I did ballet yesterday night as well my legs hurt. I'm breathing like a whale trying not to collapse right here.

11 minutes later I arrive already seeing Natasha and Steve. I fix my hair such as my outfit as I walk over to them.

Steve faces me walking up towards me. "Hey Y/n nice to see you again! How are you?", he greets me hugging me as well. I blush. "uh... uhm h-hey, Steve! Nice to meet you too!" I stutter. How idiotic. "Hello you both. I'm also here you know but I can also leave if you two love birds need some time", Nat affirms now stepping out behind Steve. "Oh yes no I'm sorry Nat, I forgot". I walk over also hugging her. "Now that hurt me." she jokes. We start laughing. "Soooo, Steve. Tell me something about yourself.", I start. Natasha smirks at me. Oh, how I hate her. "Well, I'm Steve obviously. I'm Natashas best friend even if we sometimes don't seem to be. I do live with her as well but there are also others. I like Pizza and group games. I like gym obviously", he counts showing off his biceps. "You're such a show off Capsicle", the redhead hits him. He laughs as he picks up Natasha over his shoulder and starts to run "Don't you dare hitting the big strong man, little girl!". I run after them nearly dying because of laughing so hard. "Steve!", she screams "put me down dipshit! I don't need to see americas ass! Besides I'm not a little girl! Remember the times I got you down to the floor in the ring?". The woman slaps his ass as he puts her back down. "You still are little", he grins looking down at her. I stop next to him smelling his perfume. It's strong but still sweet, kind of dominant smelling. I take a deep breath inhaling it.
Out of nowhere Natasha appears next to my ear "Someone is blushing huh, darling? Does he make you nervous? How cute". I turn around hitting her in the stomach but she blocks it. "Woah chill no need to kill me I'm just saying.".
Gosh not that smirk again. I really really really hate her. But to make it even worse. She's right. I do like him a lot. Man I can't stand it when she's right. She always is. How?
"Well, Y/n what do you say about joining us for dinner?", Steve asks me. Did he just invite me on a date? Uh no wait I mean dinner. That's not the same Y/n calm down. "Ye-yeah sure I'd love to.". "Amazing!". Anddd again that smirk of hers. Each second I just hate her more. We're gonna be enemies soon if she continues like that. Heck nah. Having her as enemy would be everyone's direct call to death. I guess I just gotta have to get along with her.
"I would just go back home to tell my mom. Meet you at 6pm at yours? Nat can text me the address.". "Yeah I'll".
"Then see you later Y/n!", he hugs me.
While Natasha hugs me she whispers "Don't overdress, others will be there too but I may arrange you both some time alone.". I slightly kick her leg. "I hate you!". "No you don't. Everybody loves!", she shouts waving me good bye.

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