Chapter 12

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Pov Natasha

A yawn next to me makes me wake up. My whole body hurts with each move. "Morning, Tasha.". I feel arms reaching for me and I take the offer. "How did you sleep?", I ask. "Amazing! Best sleep I've ever had.".

We kind of cuddle for a long time until JARVIS calls us for breakfast.

"Good morning you sleepyheads. Finally decided to show up?", Steve teases us. "Shut up Capsicle or I swear to god I'll beat your ass the same way I look now.". "No one's gonna get beaten up here.", Pepper joins the room.
We all sit down and start having our breakfast. As usual Stark always exaggerates everything so he ordered us a whole buffet. It's way too much for all of us obviously but he doesn't really care. He has his money so he uses it all the time if it's possible. "I'll go back upstairs my back is killing me.", I say while I'm about to leave before Pietro interrupts my action "You mean the way you almost got killed yesterday?". "Very funny Maximoff. Watch out or I'll take your accent out of your mouth myself and I won't go easy on you.". "Point for Romanoff!", Clint laughs. Don't play games with a women who can play better.
"I'll go with Nat! Someone's gotta look after her.", Y/n teases following me but I don't mind her comment. Before we're out the door Pietro yells after me "That's so unfair. When she makes a comment you don't care but when I do I directly get threats.". "Well then start thinking about the reasons, Maximoff.". "Two points for Romanoff and zero for Maximoff.".
Y/n puts her arm around my waist and together we walk out of the room and back upstairs giggling. "You and Pietro really do tease at all possibilities, don't you?". "Well maybe.", I smirk and she starts laughing. Gosh that laugh is just wonderful. I couldn't get enough of that of her.
"Uh Nat. Could we maybe talk about well you know yesterday?". I knew it would've come sooner or later but I guess if it came later I would've had some more time to get my thoughts all sorted out. "About everything?", I ask carefully. "Uh I thought so but if you don't want to talk about uh the kiss we don't have to. I just thought maybe-". I quickly interrupt her "No sorry I said it the wrong way. I didn't mean the kiss because I also do want to talk about that. I more meant the stuff before you know?". "Oh you can be sure that we'll talk about that. Don't even think you'd get around that, Miss Romanoff! I'm still your best friend and wanna know what the fuck happend.". We laugh a bit but at the same time something inside me cracks as I hear her say 'best friend'. I really do not want to admit it but I think it's time that I have to.
"Come sit down." I gesture her after I placed myself on my bed. She does me same and so we sit there next to each other in silence for some minutes. "I really have no idea how to start this, to be honest", she says. "Neither do I.".
"Okay so I'll try. Uhm okay. Do you remember when I told you that I'm not in love with Steve anymore? Like, when we were outside on the terrace?". I nod. "Back then I really did loose feelings for Steve but I think I kind of just did because I fell in love with somebody else. I don't know if I can tell you or if you even care and I don't really want to admit it either but I can't deny it anymore. My head is just going crazy about this one person and I have never ever felt like that before. Each time I'm in her arms I feel so safe and home and everything else just fades away, my stomach twists and my heart skips a beat. I hate the way my heart isn't mine anymore because I hate giving up the control but the same time I know that my heart couldn't be safer in her hands. And for your information I'll never admit that again but I fell head over heels in love with someone.".
As she speaks I secretly hope she's talking about me but I doubt it. I'm nothing like what she said and nothing is safe with me or my job. "You can tell me everything Y/n and of course I care. You just told me you fell for someone so don't even think I wouldn't want a name. Give it to me now!".
I'm praying that she drops my name. I'm so pathetic.
"Nat... it's you.". She looks me in the eyes. Did she really drop my name? Am I dreaming? I secretly pinch myself to realize I am awake and this is happening in real life. "Please say something. Are you mad? I'm sorry.", she starts to apologize. "Hey no stop apologizing. I'm not mad. No matter what I can't change your feelings anyways so there is no need to apologize. Your feelings are natural and no one can change them except for yourself. I would never be mad at you because of something like that and... oh gosh, you really need to know that I can't talk about my feelings so you won't get a long speech from me but... I feel the same.". "You do WHAT?!", her eyes widen in shock. "Well yeah surprise I'm also head over heels into you and I hate admitting it.", I try to laugh over it. "I- I didn't know. Well, I love you Natasha Romanoff.".
My feeling tells me to do it so I lean forward placing my lips on hers. My hands grab her waist and pull her closer to me while she puts her hands on my cheeks. As we detach from each other I whisper in her ear "I love you too Y/n Hill.".
We laugh together as we let us fall back on the bed. "Are we a thing now?", she asks. "You mean a couple?". "Yeah". "Do you want to be my girlfriend?", I carefully ask in hope that she answers with a 'yes'. "Oh yes I definitely want to be yours.".
She places another kiss on my lips but this time as my girlfriend.

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