Pansy Part 1

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A/N Hello! This is my first ever fic so be nice to me :) 

I own none of the characters! Everything belongs to JK Rowling, and no profit is being made from this story. This is just for fun, leave me alone Joanne. Also trans rights are human rights and we do not welcome TERFs in this space <3

Pansy Parkinson had not coped with prison well. She doubted anyone coped with prison well, but it had been particularly hard for her. She did not do well being alone with her thoughts, and that was all she'd been able to do for three years. Her sentence had been 15 years in Azkaban, a show of strength from the Wizengamot, based largely around the fact that she'd been willing to give up Harry Potter on the day of the battle. She hadn't really meant it, and she wished with everything she had that she had never said it, but it was done. No owls were allowed to reach her in her cell, and the only information about the outside world she'd had came from a guard unceremoniously informing her that her parents were both dead and she was now in control of the Parkinson estate, or she would be, in twelve years time. Pansy hated being so cut off. She had always been at the centre of her world, dealing in gossip and expensive fabrics, and here she was, covered in dirt and utterly desolate. She did not allow herself to hope that she was actually being allowed out today. Not when they dragged her from her cell, not when she was dumped into a chair beside Theodore Nott, and not when Draco Malfoy was hauled into the seat between them. She didn't feel hope until she met the eyes of a woman she'd always hated.

Hermione Granger exuded power. Pansy hadn't noticed that before. She didn't wait for the guard to let her in, she let herself in, striding across the room and taking the seat opposite them, placing several files down on the table. She was wearing immaculately tailored high-waisted trousers and a bright red blouse tucked into them, with her wild curls cascading down her back. Pansy thought she looked fabulous. Hermione Granger also looked incredibly confident, and as she met the eyes of the woman that had defeated Voldemort - because, let's be honest, she was the brains of the so-called Golden Trio - Pansy finally dared to hope.

"Hello. I hope you're all doing ok, given the circumstances." Granger said, flipping open the files in front of her. "I'd say I appreciate you meeting with me, but we all know you didn't have a choice, so I won't sport with your intelligence." She smirked. Pansy tried to look at Draco and Theo, but the guard yanked on her restraints. Granger glared at him.

"Mr Brown, you are free to leave." She fixed the guard with a stare that Pansy thought could melt ice. Granger was really growing on her.

"I have been ordered to remain, you can't trust these three." The guard spat back, yanking on their restraints once more to emphasise his point.

"Mr Brown, do you know who I am?" Granger leant back in her chair, completely calm.

"Of course I do, Mrs Granger." Pansy wondered if that meant Granger was married. Interesting.

"Then you'll know I can more than handle myself. Question me once more, and I will personally ensure you never work for the Ministry again. Now leave." She waved her hand and the door opened in an impressive display of wandless magic. Pansy wondered if she was falling in love with this version of Granger, because it was damn sexy to see her put the guard in his place.

"Apologies. Won't happen again." The guard muttered, dropping the restraints and scuttling out of the door. Granger waved her hand once more, and the door closed. She smiled.

"Sorry about that. Are you comfortable enough? I wanted your restraints to be removed, but they wouldn't allow me the permission. Anyway, down to business." Pansy gawped. She considered for a moment that she'd fallen into some sort of alternate reality. Maybe she was asleep and this was a dream. She took the chance to glance at Draco and Theo, who were simply staring at Granger, going through, Pansy assumed, a similar range of emotions to herself.

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