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A/N I own none of the characters! Everything belongs to JK Rowling, and no profit is being made from this story. This is just for fun, leave me alone Joanne. Also trans rights are human rights and we do not welcome TERFs in this space <3

Theo Nott was nervous. He didn't really get nervous, so it was a new experience. He was sitting in the new drawing room of Malfoy Manor, basking in the feeling of wearing clean clothes after so long, stewing in anticipation of seeing Harry Potter again. Today had been a series of unexpected events, to say the least. He'd got out of Azkaban early, something he had never hoped to happen, then he found out it was actually his close friend Hermione Granger that had got him out, and then, as if that wasn't enough, it turned out that Hermione was actually his best friend's wife, and had been for nearly four years. He was stupidly happy for his friends, he'd known that this was the future Draco had dreamed of for years, but he hadn't expected it to actually go in his favour. He probably should have known better than to doubt Hermione Granger, though. He was entirely convinced she was the greatest witch of at least their generation, if not a few others, and her name was going down in history regardless, so of course she would fight for her friends. He imagined the Wizengamot cowered in fear when she gave them a piece of her mind. He had been unsure of how Harry would feel when he got out of Azkaban. Initially, he had expected it to have been 25 years, so he assumed Harry would have forgotten him by then, but only 3 years had passed, and it seemed as if the chosen one had backed their cause as fervently as Hermione had. He hadn't expected to like Harry Potter as much as he did. The first time they met was horrendously awkward, with Hermione working overtime to try and fill the silences, but Theo had noted that it was more a fear of the unknown than unbridled hatred coming from Potter. He found that they had a fair amount in common and he liked how grounded Harry was, despite all that had happened to him. Theo took great delight in teasing him about his celebrity status, which Harry abhorred. When he had broken up with the female Weasley, to Theo's surprise, Harry had confided in him, not Hermione. Perhaps he had known that Theo would understand completely what he was going through, despite them never having explicitly discussed it. His ill-advised yet all-encompassing crush on Harry Potter had grown very slowly, quietly, so that Theo hadn't really noticed until he was halfway to being in love with the wizard. Considering he had been weeks from a long-term stay in prison when he had realised it, he hadn't told Harry how he felt, despite his treacherous heart telling him it would be reciprocated. He wasn't sure he would have retained his sanity if he didn't have his most precious possession. A year and a half into his time at Azkaban, a letter had floated in through the tiny window in his cell. Considering Theo had been denied owl privileges, this had been somewhat of a surprise, but apparently someone had pulled several hundred strings to get it to him. There was only one wizard with that kind of sway behind his name, and it made Theo's stomach do a flip flop. Harry's letter had been fairly innocuous, Theo suspected that this was so that neither would face too harsh a punishment if the letter was somehow found, but he didn't mind at all. He told Theo about the quidditch scores, his work at the ministry, and how much he missed him. Such a simple gesture had meant the world to him, it just felt like home. Harry felt like home. After a day of romantic revelations, Theo's stomach was in knots. Draco had got his dream girl, the saviour of the wizarding world who fought on the opposite side of the war, despite everything that had happened. Despite the ugly mark that was also on Theo's own arm. That wasn't helpful, because it taught him to hope. If Hermione loved Draco back, then maybe Harry could feel the same way towards him. This was all terribly inconvenient, it was taking up a really large part of Theo's brain, and he could feel himself losing brain cells. Theo was quite proud of his intellect, but he turned to mush when he thought of Harry bloody Potter. His knee was bouncing, the only thing that outwardly gave away the meltdown he was currently in the midst of, as he had schooled his face into the picture of indifference.

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