(Fluff) Eve and N Talking To S and V

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Eve's POV:
N invited S and V to talk to them about this and our plan. V has the programming like me, N, and J but S she's one of the newer models so she doesn't have the programing like us but I want to bring her with us.

"So let me get this straight you want us to go back to Copper 9?"
"Well yeah. Uzi went back and I need to talk to her."
"And you want us all to go?" V said hesitantly
"When we leaving?" S said happily to get to leave
"Will leave when we find a working pod." N said
"Okie dokie."
"One more thing J is not to know about this."
"Got it leader. I see you found your Murder Drone things." V said
"Oh yes I'm very happy."
"Hey you get to be a leader finally!!!" S said over joyed

N's POV:
Eve was over joyed that S and V accept her as their leader. I have huge faith in Eve. V and S said there goodbyes and left. Lily was asleep for the whole conversation so she knew nothing. Which was a good thing. I don't want the school knowing the plan. Eve picked Lily up and took her to bed!
She came back out and sat down with me on the couch. She took off her jacket and her dress was strapless!! She leaned over and laid down on me.

"N who would have thought that a leader and Vic-leader would be a thing together!"
"Haha I don't know but I'm one lucky Vic-leader."
"And I'm one lucky Leader!!"

I leaned down and gave her a small kiss. It got her off guard but she pulled me by the collar of my Murder Drone outfit and she gave me another kiss.

"Hahaha your red N!!"
"Hehehe your adorable!"

She was adorable! I hugged her tight and picked her up. We walked to our room and fell asleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a busy day!!

BOOM!! Chapter time!! I'm on a roll guys!! 😆😆😆 Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!! And have a wonderful day! 😆👋

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