Chapter 6 - Heart Attack

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Hey guys, sorry for the late update. We had such hectic schedules that unable us to update, for like an eternity. So this chapter is an author’s POV, this is a preparation for the other future chapter because it might be in individuals POV, so we hope you guys will like it. 

Please give us your feed backs and ConVo all you want :)

Thank you to moon and back!


Infinity eight

(Author’s POV)

Infinity Eight Girls had the most epic day ever. They found themselves in the clinic after Meishie punch Niall and faint. Jae-em thought that she might say that was a strong one for a girl like her. Niall was still sitting on the clinic bed while the nurse was attending to his nose. Meishie continued to say sorry for him and Dheibi was watching them passionately. Niall glance at her and suddenly her cheeks heat up. She thinks Niall is somewhat attractive but she would not admit it to herself.

“Hey lady, you’re a Kennedy, you shouldn’t act like that!” Kristee scolded Meishie then smacked her on the head, while still clinging to Liam. “You’re unbelievable” she adds as she rolls her eyes.

“Ouch!” Meishie shrieked as she rubbed a part of her head.

“Yeah, Kristee is right Meishie, you shouldn’t act like that” Silver added who is standing between Harry and Niall.

“Hey, I know that and I’m very sorry. I just want to protect you guys” Meishie defended. “And for you Mr. Horan, I’m really sorry about your nose. That wouldn’t happen if you didn’t stupidly step in between us” she informed, trying to free herself from guilt.

“No one can blame me, I’m just trying to help” Niall countered.

“I don’t need help. I can---“ Meishie cut herself then took a deep breath before continue herself “Can we just leave it Mr. Horan? I’m really sorry”

“Yeah sure. Don’t worry it’s okay. I’m still alive and kicking” Niall gave her a sweet smile “and call me Niall” he said and winked.

“No problem, call me Meishie.”

“So were okay, Meishie? “ Niall asked holding out his fist.

“Yes, we are Niall” she replied then jumped her fist to Niall and both of them laughed.

The clinic was packed with 1D and I8 doing their own business, Meishie and Niall were now talking while Dhebie just sits beside them and listen, not knowing where to put herself between them. Silver and Ja-em were discussing about the incident, hoping it will not cause another trouble. Zayn was on his phone, talking to someone saying he’s fine while Harry was bit snoopy, listening to their conversation.

 Louis and Bhabez were like in their own world, talking and laughing like there’s something they were discussing.  Ja-em noticed it but decided to just ignore, thinking they got close together since Louis was the one who help Bhabez. Little did they know these two shared a great photo shoot experience. Kristee was still attached to Liam, feeling so comfy though Liam didn’t mind it all, seemed that they both enjoying each other’s company. And as for Zhel and Diadem, well they are sitting at the spare bed, enjoying their selves.  Suddenly the door opened and Simon walked inside.

“Well hello to everyone” he said. All startling them and turning their attention to him. His expression was unreadable making all I8 girls nervous. Simon Cowell is known for frankness and straightforwardness.

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