One-word description: Sincere
These men aren't really romantic individuals. Venus is falling in Virgo, and these men feel the effects of this more than most women with this placement do (considering Venus is a feminine planet). Most of these men prefer to be independent. But if they were to be attracted to someone, that person must be down-to-earth, real, sensible, and intelligent. They like people who think about things, people with something significant to say, and people who agree with their perceptions of the world.
They are drawn to people who are honest and straight-forward. Most importantly, they are attracted to people who are sincere.
They sort of find a bit of teasing attractive. This makes them loosen up a bit because they tend to be stiff in social situations. They don't mind when someone gently criticizes them. They are happy to be noticed and tended to by someone else. They might like being around someone easygoing or someone who laughs them out of their nervousness.
They are VERY particular. They barely trust love and infatuation. Secretly, though, they just feel really insecure about themselves. They may be crushing on someone and no one would ever know. It may be the littlest thing about the person that makes them crush. It could be the perfect hair, eyes, body, anything. These things may not literally be perfect in accordance with society's standards, but it may be exactly what they are looking for. When they spend enough time with a person, they begin to notice these perfect imperfections. Still, they may not admit it because they don't feel good enough to win this person's heart.
On the other hand, if this guy isn't too scared to confess his feelings, it may not come out in a romantic way. His words may sound a little too mechanical or honest.
These men are attracted to people for innocent reasons. If someone touches their hand, compliments them, helps them out, or just spends time with them, they can develop a crush. They won't admit this, but they're shy with too much attention. So, when they get attention, they can't forget the person who gave it to them. They like to be appreciated because they often feel they aren't. Anyone who notices them and takes the time to get to know them is bound to be worth it for these men!
These men like clean and healthy individuals. They do like the idea of their love interest bathing, and being an earth sign, they like the sweet smell of perfume, cologne, lotion, or scented shampoo, which shows them the individual cares about their hygiene. They tend to be attracted to people who eat fresh foods, are vegetarians, or vegans. Some of them just don't like seeing someone eating food they think is gross. If they find someone who has similar eating patterns to them, they will be more attracted to that person. For instance, if a Venus in Virgo male hates peanuts, he will find it attractive when someone else hates it, too.
He also tends to draw himself to loners. They don't like socializing too much. If an individual is a loner, he will find it easier to talk to them. He's generally drawn to people on a physical level and doesn't care much for intimate personal feelings.
These men do like sexy people. They like people who are straight-forward with their intentions. They may not necessarily like a provocative person, but they certainly like people who are honest about what they want. Still, they're shy. They aren't the types to talk "romance" or gooey nonsense. They don't even see it as real. They are truly attracted to individuals who cut the romance crap and own up to the "realities" of a relationship. They don't honestly believe any men are interested in that part, which is a reflection that they aren't comfortable with that. They would appreciate a woman who understands this.
An understanding woman would actually be very attractive to these men! Their lack of "romance" has to do with their insecurities. They feel like "idealistic" romances in fairy tales give people unrealistic expectations; expectations they feel are too hard for their perfectionist minds to meet (because deep-down they want to please their lovers and will go the extra mile to do so). They are waiting for love to fail them like it has so many times. A lover who makes them feel secure in this regard is a gem. For this reason, they like humble, calm, and cool individuals with few expectations. Those are the most attractive qualities of all. Somewhat, they like detached or indifferent individuals as well.
Physically, he has his particularities. Generally he likes someone who has smooth skin, a fit body, and an understated taste in clothing. He notices every detail about a person. Overall though, individuals are more attractive to him when he likes their personalities. He will suddenly begin to notice just how attractive a person is after he's fallen in love with their personality. He is often attracted to petite individuals and may like distinct eyes, hair, and defined features. He may be drawn to someone in more muted colors than anything flashy or gaudy. Brown and olive green may attract his attention.
Virgo is an Earth element sign. Venus in Virgo men might be drawn to potential love interests that appear connected with the Earth in some way. They may enjoy watching lovers sitting in a beautiful park or garden. They might be drawn to women who love nature of some sort, especially small animals. Their favorite seasons to find a mate might be Spring and Fall, where potential love interests are connected with nature, but aren't as showy, gaudy, or provocative in their appearance (since in the warmer climates, people tend to show more skin).
These men are drawn to partners that are sexually skilled. They enjoy a partner that puts in the effort to serve and please. They are drawn to individuals who smell good, dress nice, have neat hair, and who are clean. They may want someone who appeals to them visually. Though they want someone skilled, their partner must be a little submissive and modest. They don't like eccentric or wild partners.
If these men are attracted to you, you've done it! You've broken their strong distrust in love! You've managed to appeal to these men someway, somehow. The challenge is just trying to keep their interest without turning them off in some odd way.
How do I know he likes me? He'll be there when you need his help with anything. He might go the traditional route and buy gifts or ask you out for lunch. Beyond that, you may not know unless you ask. Some Venus in Virgos may be far too shy to tell you his feelings.
TURN OFF: There are a lot of things. Really, love turns them off. They are intimidated by it. Don't come in with the demands for a perfect romance, and they will feel comfortable. They are already hard on themselves as it is. Let them show you love in their own small ways. People who don't appreciate this turns them off. They also dislike ditsy, dumb types. They dislike demanding, show-offs. They have a list of peeves. They dislike watching someone eat a food they dislike. For example, if they hate pudding, they don't really like watching someone eat it. They dislike strange smells coming from a person. There are a lot of examples. It's just best to communicate with these men to find out what they like and what they don't.
After you make these men more secure, and after you've shown yourself to be cool and chilled in demeanor, they're going to want to know where your head is. What are your thoughts? What do you notice around you? Mercury signs come into place with these men.

Venus in a guy's chart
Non-FictionEver wonder about your crush's type of girl they like and whether it could be you? Now you can unlock secrets just by finding their venus sign to show the type of girl they may like. In this humorous story you will be in awe and may just laugh on ho...