Venus in Pisces
Venus Conjunct Neptune
Venus Opposite Neptune
Venus Square NeptuneOne word description: Enchanting
These men do like sexy people, but more on the mystic, enchanting side. Like a sea creature coming out of the water, they care about body language. The individual doesn't have to say much, they just have to enchant them.
Speaking of sea creature, they love bathing suits!
They are generally drawn to physically beautiful people. They are not very discriminating about who they like. Physically, however, they are easily enchanted by an attractive, nice, and charming appearance.
Many of these men just love to be in love, and so don't really care as long as the person likes them. Some, however, are wiser, especially if their hearts have been broken, which happens many times with these guys. After that point, many of these men are drawn to mysterious, quiet souls. They tend to be drawn to people who are accepting, kind, loving, and compassionate. They fall in love with people who actually notice them, especially since most are so quiet. They may like those individuals who need them, those people who are loners.
They tend to fall in love with a dream, which is decided by Neptune. These men are easily drawn to what's on the TV, in the movies, and in the magazines. In this way, they have many fantasies about the woman they want. They tend to want a dream figure, someone that any man would want. This depends on the generation, but no matter what, they want the ideal. If they see these "dreams" in someone, they tend to fall head over heels! Many times, they are looking for a soul mate, someone who is exactly like them and feels the same spark that they do. These men tend to fall for people who treat them really nice and act really sweet towards them. They tend to crush hard on the most attractive, the kindest, most heroic person in the room. They can't help it. They are always crushing on a celebrity of some kind, whether it's a Kpop idol or a famous actor. They crush easily. If someone is presented to them as amazing and wonderful, with flaws made to look like an "asset", they tend to be drawn to that illusion.
They tend to be captivated by someone that helps them escape the harsh world. They like those individuals who just go-with-the-flow and just enjoy life. In this way, they also tend to crush on people who want to change the world and make it a better place. They tend to crush on individuals who see the good in people rather than the bad.
Overall, they tend to crush on a dream. Real people can be hard for them to handle. Real love, with real world demands, is very hard for them to stomach. It makes them nervous. They would rather dream. If it's not obvious already, Venus is exalted in Pisces. These men are molded and easily enchanted by beauty and charm. They see it all around them. They are gentle and charming as men! Their only problem is they have a hard time committing. They never know when to say "No" and they have a hard time dealing with the routine of a real relationship.
Physically, as mentioned before, he generally likes cute, enchantingly attractive individuals. He's drawn to individuals who look like their face came out of a magazine or movie. Bathing suits are his thing. He loves individuals with wavy or wild hair. He may like beautiful, petite people in physical appearance, but he may be drawn to people in understated clothing rather than loud clothing. He's drawn to subtle and soft colors like lavender, lilac, and sea green. He tends to like attractive feet. Wear some amazing shoes to catch his eye or make sure your feet are soft and well-manicured. He also likes stockings or silk socks of some sort.
Pisces is a water element sign. Venus in Pisces men enjoy watching potential love interests splashing in the waves at the beach, running in the rain during a certain shower, and soaking in a bath or hot springs. They may enjoy mating in all seasons, as they generally can find the beauty in anything. However, the Winter, Spring, and Fall produce natural wetness that they may enjoy. In the Summer, they may have to go the beach to really feel inspired to mate.
Sexually, these men are drawn to all kinds of partners. He may be drawn to the soft, sweet, and submissive types, as well as the adventurous types. Still, he won't like a partner that is too aggressive, pushy, or demanding. He mostly wants a partner that fits his ideal or his dream-and that could vary.
If this guy asked you out, wow, I'm surprised. He usually never asks anybody out, even those individuals he likes! If he seems to be showing an interest, there is something about you that seems glamorous, enchanting, sweet, and amazingly charming! He sees you as his savior, as someone who just understands and accepts him, no matter his flaws and differences. I wouldn't be surprised if a whole lot of men were falling at your feet!
How do I know he likes me? He's shy, so he won't show it openly. He will probably try to get you alone. He will send secret, sweet messages in a way that no one else can plainly see. He may tease you and even slip in little comments that let you know. He will dream about you all the time, so when he's around you, he may stare a lot. He may also drop indirect hints and be a little clumsy.
TURN OFF: He will generally be attracted to all kinds of women, but mostly flamboyance annoys him. He may not say anything, but too much attention makes him nervous. He's also an easy-going guy, so putting on airs and dressing up for stuffy occasions would make him want to run for the hills. They really aren't attracted to individuals who care too much about their appearance or social decorum. He also doesn't like to be bossed around. He tends to be turned off by aggression of all sorts and he hates confrontation.
After this guy has finally drawn himself to your caring and sweet personality, he will be looking to see only the good. He'll be looking for the good in you. Jupiter would bring him the good fortune. He may also be seeking to be enchanted. Neptune, a generational planet, can help with that.
Jupiter is the planet of luck, expansion and growth, and beliefs. Neptune is the planet of illusions, inspiration, hope, and escape.

Venus in a guy's chart
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