MUST READ INFO About Jin's Finger Condition

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Why you shouldn't make fun of Jin's "weird crooked fingers"

1. Your mama should have raised you better than that anyway.
2. He's self-conscious about his hands.
3. It appears to be a legitimate medical condition.

I started thinking about it when I saw this post, which is specifically about splints for people with Ehlers Danlos syndrome, a congenital connective tissue disorder. It can present in a wide variety of ways - I studied it in school, but the OP of that post actually has EDS, so their blog would be much more helpful to read about it than mine.

When I saw the pictures, a couple reminded me of Seokjin's fingers, which my friend and I had just been talking about earlier today. I did some more research, and while I don't think he necessarily has EDS - though he definitely has hypermobility in his fingers - I came across something called swan-neck deformity.

Someone diagnosed with swan-neck deformity:

Seokjin's hands: (insert pic)
hypermobility: (insert pic)
wearing a splint: (insert pic)

and talking about how he had difficulty with the lighter in the Danger MV because of his fingers and thumb. (Insert pictures) (pictures not mine - all found on the twitter account jinsfingers.)

A variety of things can cause swan-neck deformity, including rheumatoid arthritis and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, though it can just be congenital. There's no real test to confirm it other than a doctor just looking at the hands. He appears to have it in all eight fingers, and the related duck-bill deformity in his thumbs. If uncorrected, it could start to scar and lead to him losing some of the use of his hands. I hope he doesn't have arthritis and that it's not indicative of that or another painful illness, and I hope he doesn't have pain in his hands because of it. Most of all, I hope that he does have a diagnosis and treatment.

When I first saw that Silver Ring Splint Company, post, I thought, huh, someone should send that link to Jin. But then I scrolled back up and, really, someone should send that to Seokjin - it might actually help him. There is that picture of him with the splint, and if he could perform with jewelry-like splints like that, it might help him to keep from losing mobility and function in his hands.
So yes. Don't make fun of the man for something he can't help, even if you think it's just loving teasing. And maybe think about those ring splints for the next concept? #teamprotecttheprincess all day.

More people need to see this post. Especially the people who hate on him for it.

Cr. theyarebangtan

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