5 ✿

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"Uh guys I think were stuck here" Felix said, "You think!?" I screamed. "What if we will be stuck here forever?" Changbin said.

Han's Pov: 

I noticed Y/N starting to get all worked up again, so I nudged Changbin to shut up and so he did. I know how Y/N is feeling and let me say its not the best feeling. She was really getting uncomfortable in this situation so I decided to step up my game.

I went to where she was standing with Seungmin, and noticed how Seungmin was holding her hand, let me say even though they just met like a couple of minutes ago, I think they would make a good couple (Han shipping Y/N and Seungmin HELP). I poked Seungmin and tilted my head towards Y/N to give him a sign, and thankfully he understood what I wanted to do.

 As he slowly let her hand, she directly looked at him with lost puppy eyes so I quickly held her two hands and said "Don't worry, everything will be okay Y/N. I know what you're feeling right now, and the best way to cope if you're having these type of panic attacks just take big deep breaths, that way you'll help yourself to calm down. Trust me ive dealt with anxiety and panic attacks my whole life and the best way to stop them is to calm yourself by taking deep breaths and drinking water okay? Don't feel ashamed for having a phobia of elevators, everyone is scared of something at this point. Everyone has weaknesses in specific things, so you don't need to be ashamed of what you are scared of or not good at." (What he said :))

Y/N's pov:

Han's words calmed me down, "On three you take a big breath," Han told me, "three...two...one..." We took big breaths together and I calmed down, "Thank you." I said, "You're more than welcomed" He smiled at me "Okay enough of you two, Y/N are you okay?" Seungmin interrupted us, "Yea I am fine" I smiled in return when seungmin gave me a smile.

 "Okay what are we going to do now?" Iseul asked while looking at Chan "I tried contacting our staffs but there isn't any network connection here so the only thing we can do is wait" he said, "So what youre saying is we might be stuck here for days?!" Min said 

"MAYBE EVEN MONTHS!" Felix screamed 

"OR EVEN YEARS!" Jeongin continued Felix's sentence

 "YAH! Shut up! Theyre going to know that people are stuck here at some point, and our staff will probably get concerned if were running late so they'll probably come and search for us here so how about you use your sense of logic for once you two would you?" Seungmin said causing some of us including me to laugh.

3rd person pov:

The group had been stuck in the elevator for 30 minutes straight, and everyone got bored. Changbin and Jeongin were admiring the ceiling, Felix was sleeping on Hyunjin's shoulder, while Hyunjin was playing an offline drawing game on his mobile. Lee Know and Min were talking about cats, Chan and Iseul talking about work, and Y/N and Seungmin sitting next to each other in silence, but luckily it wasn't an awkward silence it was just some comfort silence which they both were comfortable in. When suddenly, the door of the elevator opened and it revealed to be some workers who worked at the shopping center;

"Are you guys okay?" One of the worker shouted

"Were all fine!"

"Okay were going to get you out of here but one by one 'kay?"


They all eventually got out and the staff were waiting for them next to the elevator

"I told you" Seungmin said to Felix and Jeongin which they glared at him.

"Mr Bang, you got some explaining to do." The Staff told Chan with an annoyance in her voice when she showed him an article on her phone that says;

" The Staff told Chan with an annoyance in her voice when she showed him an article on her phone that says;

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(this is fake pretend that it's real 😭)

Y/N's pov:

"How did they-" I got cutt off by Changbin

"Welcome to an Idol's life, there's cameras,fans and many paparazzis everywhere you go!" He said sarcastically

"No time to waste we need to go like right now and I'll explain everything to you when we get back to the skz code house but for now, we need to take them with us or else they're going to be in more trouble than they already are." Chan said to the staff which she surprisingly agreed. The moment we stepped out of the shopping center, fans, paparazzis, Korea dispatch's staff, and cameras were flooded outside the mall all because stray kids were spotted with three girls by some stupid fans. What have I gotten myself into?

Seungmin held my hand and wisphered in my ear "Whatever happens, don't let go of my hand, because I know for a fact they're going to haunt you down if you're alone." He said in a serious tone. I nodded at him and got mentally and physically ready to go into the crowd. Everyone looked at Chan to give them a signal to go, and so he did after some seconds and we started walking fast to get into the van but "LUCKY" me I got pushed by some random man, which caused me to let go of Seungmin's hand.


A/N: I am very sorry if this is boring, I'm trying my best quickly get to the best part! I promise the next parts will become more interesting just bare with me :)

947 words

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