9 ✿

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I hurriedly went down the stairs, put on my shoes and waited for Seungmin to get dressed. "How are you so energetic when it's literally midnight" he asked "I don't know I just want to get some fresh air" "Well come on let's go dummy." We went outside, and it was very chilly, and again "lucky me" forgot to bring a jacket because I was too excited to go midnight walking with Seungmin. "It's chilly." I said hoping he'll give me his jacket (Y/N wanted to tease him don't think of her as a pick me 😭) "And? If youre trying to say to let me give you my jacket it's not gonna happen, you should've brought your jacket with you" He said smirking. I looked at him shocked; "fine." I stuck out his tongue which caused him to laugh, "Hey Seung?" "What's with the nickname" "Oh you don't like it?" "no I don't" "Okay Seung" "I literally told you I hated the nickname and you still used it?" "Yes now shut up and let me speak"
"Jesus help me"

"Remember back when we were at the mall, trying to pass the paparazzis and all the fans who were waiting for you guys?"

"yea what about them?"

"When the girl asked you if I was your girlfriend, you said to her that I wasn't but I'm yours- what did you mean by that?"

"None of your business"

"It's my business if it includes me Seungmin"

"Well it's nothing and forget about it"


3rd person pov:

The two of them found a bench, so they went and sat on it looking at the moon and the stars

"I love stars, they're so beautiful." Y/N said as her eyes were still focused on the sky,

Seungmin on the other hand, wasn't focused on anything but Y/N. When he met her the first time, some weird feeling in his stomach started appearing, and he wouldn't take his eyes off her. The way she speaks, laughs, her sassiness he loved everything about her. Though, he is still denying the fact that he loves her. And she is too, but no one knows why.

"Seungmin are you even listening to me?"


"You either have a staring problem or you just love staring at me"

"Don't highly flatter yourself Miss Lee"

"Did you just steal my line?"

"Yea, I did what are you gonna do about it?"

"I'm gonna steal your line too, Y/N in the building bitches!"

"It doesn't fit with your name, sucks for you"

"Well my line doesn't even fit with your tone of voice so you better judge yourself before judging me"

"Anyways what were you saying"

"I was naming the stars for you but you weren't listening so I stopped"

"Tell me your favourite star then"


"What the hell is that name"

"Oh shut up Procyon is the little dog star, in Greek it means "Before the dog" This star rises before Serius which is another dog star. Also Procyon is the eighth brightest star in the sky! Can you actually believe that??"

"That's kind of interesting, tell me more"

"I told you you're gonna get interested"

"Mhm continue before I change my mind"

And so with that, Y/N started explaining to him what each star means, and do.

Time Skip

It was already 1 am, Seungmin and Y/N were still sitting in the same position, no one speaking just admiring the sky, until Seungmin checked his phone and saw the time;

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