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3rd person pov

"Have you seen my black jacket?" Seungmin asked the 3 boys who were sitting in the living room.

"No I don't think so, why? are you going somewhere?" Chan asked

"You don't think I'm just going to sit here while Y/N is going to meet up with a pervert in a café to "sort things out" you know"

"Seungmin" Minho said as he placed his phone down

"What now"

"I know you like her"

"No I don't?"

"Come on now, we all know that. You're so overprotective over her, like super protective and you don't even leave her alone"

"That's not true hyung, I'm doing this cause she's a stay and I'm her bias."

"Oh yea?"

"Yea and I'm doing everything I can to protect her from these scandals."

"Bro you just admitted that you like her"


"Like normally if an idol got in a scandal with a fan he would remain calm and talk things out, but you, Seungmin you literally broke a vase cause Y/N got in a scandal with Kai-" Minho explained

"Shut up"

"Kim Seungmin, you have 4 seconds to admit you like Y/N, otherwise I'm gonna put you in the oven for 30 minutes."

Seungmin sighed, "I do not like her! Just leave me alone!"

The 3 boys looked at each other while smirking knowing that he indeed likes her but doesn't want to admit it just yet.

"Can I leave now?"

"I'm coming with you incase youll do something you'll regret doing later"

"Thanks for accompanying me Chan Hyung I really need it" Seungmin said sarcastically

Y/N's pov:

After I finished showering, i took one of Seungmin's sweaters which was white and had blue stripes on it, and got out a black sweatpant.

I let down my hair and went down stairs only to meet up by Seungmin

"You're going now?" He asked

"Well yea..."

"K" was all he said and went to his room

"Okay then, Chan and Minho Hyung I'm going to go now"

"Are you seriously going to walk there??!!!" Chan asked

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