18 ✿

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"never let go, please"

"Im sorry, I have to." Seungmin whispered as he was still embracing Y/N

"I don't want you to go on a hiatus because of me, Min shouldnt have tripped and fell on Jisung."

"What are you talking about? If she didnt fall, we wouldnt have met Y/N. Stop blaming yourself and your friends, it's no ones fault, I promise"

"I...dont want you to leave" Y/N hugs Seungmin tightly

"Its alright..." Seungmin said

The two of them stayed in each others arms, on the floor for a good moment until the staff knocked on the door

"Seungmin! Were going to be late! Hurry up!"

Y/N lets go first as she wipes her tears and grabs the clothes again and says: "I-im sorry for everything, here are your clothes" She stood up, placed them on Seungmin's bed and left the room leaving Seungmin in his own thoughts.

After Y/N left, Seungmin stayed on the floor sobbing quietly as he knew that everything they did last week will come to an end eventually. He stood up and continued packing as if he was obliged to, he really didnt want to leave this place, especially Y/N.

Time Skip

Y/N and her friends were in a cab, while the members were in their own cars behind them.

Iseul held Y/N's hand the whole ride worried about her while on the other side Min had her head on Y/N's shoulder.

Y/Ns pov

I never thought this whole mess is gonna end like this, never.

I just hung out with my best friends and my favourite kpop group for a week, now its all ending? In a bad way too?

"...Y/N..." I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Iseul calling my name

"Youre tearing up," She looked at me worriedly

"Oh..didn't notice," I chuckle sadly as I wiped my tears and looked out the window.

This is not a dream, its really ending.

Seungmin's pov:

I sighed again as i looked at the window, seeing droplets of rain. It is really the worst day today.

"Hyung, you sighed for the 100th time, youre gonna be okay" Jeongin said as he patted my shoulder

"It's whatever"

I looked outside the window, as it rained.

I suddenly got a notification from Lee Know, what does he want when hes in the same car as me? I opened the message;

Lee Know: What are you thinking about?

Seungmin: Nothing Much

Lee Know: Hiatus?

Seungmin: I know I shouldn't say this but i really dont give a shit about going on a hiatus

Lee Know: Y/N?

                                             Seungmin: Later

We arrived at the airport as the reporters and paparazzis directly surrounded us, it was hell for me, and the members too.

"Is it true you're dating a fan?" One of the reporters said as they shoved a microphone infront of my face, the boydguard pushed the microphone away as I kept walking.

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