Part 5

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Alison's POV

We make our way to the dungeons, weird place to have dorms if you ask me.

Anyway back to what I was saying, we pass the potions classes and we are greeted by a gigantic serpent portrait, I look at Enzo who says the password "Pure Blood", the portrait swings open and we are greeted by the common room.

This is the layout of the common room.

Enzo led me through the common room, up the stairs until it came out to a long corridor

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Enzo led me through the common room, up the stairs until it came out to a long corridor. I noticed 2 signs. 1 saying 'Left for Girls dormitories' and another saying 'Right for Boys dormitories'.

We turned left and walked past a couple dorms until we stopped at a dorm with no other dorms next to it. I read the room number and it matched my key 'dorm 13'.

"Here's your room, do you need anything while I'm here"
"No I'm good thanks, but honestly Thankyou for helping me find my room"
"It's no problem, but I'm going to meet with the others if you want to come and join us"
"I think I'm going to unpack my stuff and head to bed. Night Enzo"
"Night Allison"
"Enzo you do realise you can call me Alli that's what my friends call me and you are my friend"
"Oh alright then, Night Alli"

And with that he walked away

Great I thought to myself I took out my key and put it in the the lock. The door swing open showing a gigantic room. I walked in and shut the door to notice.

2 identical double beds, the only difference is that 1 has black satin sheets and the other has emerald green satin sheets.

The black satin sheet bed was closest to the door and had stuff already on it, while the emerald green sheets bed was by the window and had nothing on it.

From what I could see i decided to take the green satin sheets bed as mine, as there wasn't anything on it so it would make sense for it to be mine.

I started to unpack my trunk slowly, I wanted to make sure I had everything I needed otherwise I would need to take a little trip down to Hogsmade.

By the time I finished it was around 11. I jumped in the shower, changed for bed and did my teeth. When I came out of the bathroom Molly was entering the room.

"I see you've unpacked" she said glancing around the room.
"Yeah I just wanted to get that part over and done with so that tomorrow I could explore the castle."
"Fair enough anyway I'm going to get ready and then I'm going to bed, I will be in the bathroom if you need me."
"Ok night molly."
"Night Alli."

The next day -

I wake up at a 6:30 'why did I wake up so early' I thought to myself. I decided to get up and get dressed and then head down for breakfast.

I come out the shower wearing -

I come out the shower wearing -

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