"If you say so stilinski"

9 0 0

"Hey mum, I will be back home late tonight I'm going out with some friends, leave the key under the plant pot, and don't worry I'm eating out with Allison" I leave her a voicemail.
It's 5:34pm, we all decided to change the time to 7 as it's a Friday.

I take off my clothes and just look at myself in the mirror after turning on the shower.
I am so ugly.
I sigh as I fiddle with my hair in the mirror, I suck in my stomach and try to show off a jawline, I let go. I sigh again and just stay there looking at myself.

I snap out of it and get into the shower, it's steaming the room up and it's boiling.
I wash my hair with some anti- dandruff shampoo then add some serum to my hair, along with some conditioner at the ends.
After around 10 minutes In the shower I finally get out.

I blow dry my hair and get into my clothes.
I am wearing a baggy grey jumper with some baggy jeans. It's now 6:03. I'm bored, I decide to do something with my hair.

My hair is y/h/c and it's usually straight. I want it wavy, I've never really done it unless It's a weekend and I have nothing better to do.
So I put it in two braids, and I decide to put some mascara on.

I go downstairs and make myself a coffee, then turn on my tv to watch some friends. I relate to chandler the most. A screwed up home life and I use sarcasm, humor when I'm in an awkward situation. It's such a comfort watching friends, it's like a family I wish I had.

I have been watching friends for the past 43 minutes, I was so into it until I got a text from stiles. "Hey, Allison gave me your number. Hope that's okay? Just send me your address and I'll be over in a bit"

I smile at the text for a bit and begin to type

"Yeah it's ******** and of course it's okay. :)"
I wait for him to reply

After a couple minutes he reply's

"I am outside"

I get nervous. Like real nervous, like my stomach is doing front flips. I bring a couple of my anxiety pills in a little bag that I put in my pocket.

I open the door to see stiles leaning against his jeep. He smiles and waves at me then opens up the passengers seat door.

"Hey" I say all confident
"Hey" he walks around the car

The ride is awkward and so silent. So silent that you could literally hear a fly outside of the window.

I'm starting to get anxious, I have no idea how long this drive is. But finally he speaks up.
"You look very uh" he coughs "nice tonight by the way"

I smile and look down to my hands feeling so anxious my legs starts to bounce.
"If you say so stilinski"
He laughs a bit and so do i
"It's true"
I nod and just wait till' we are with Scott and Allison.


I laugh to see Scott slipping over anytime he steps onto the ice rink, i am sat around  5 feet away from stiles, he makes me nervous and I don't know why.

I feel him looking at me

"You not going to go on the ice y/n?"
Stiles speaks up.

"Nah not really an 'ice skater'"
I laugh a little bit

God why do I make this so awkward?
What if they start laughing about me when I leave?
Im so awkward!
I stand up quickly and run into the girls toilets, I look at myself into the mirror trying to calm down. I take deep breaths in and out.

I hear the door open.

I quickly hide the pills back into my pocket
"Are you okay?" He questions me
"No.." I reply silently
"What's wrong?" He walks closer into the bathrooms
"Im so anxious all the time, like even being around Allison I get anxious, I cannot help it." I pull out the pills. "I've been diagnosed with anxiety, I was diagnosed when I was around 14." Scott takes them from my hands and looks at them. He passes them back to me.
"Please don't tell anyone"
"Don't worry y/n, I won't. But if you ever need any help, or to talk about something. Tell me?" He places his hand on my shoulder. I nod.


It's 8:33 it's only been an hour and a half, I walk out of the double doors, and wait outside for my mum to pick me up.
The others were all skating together. I was just sat on the bleachers, I got bored and told my mum to pick me up. And that's what she did.

Instagram- luvobrienn
TikTok- luvobrienn
845 words :)

Hope you liked this part. Don't worry u won't be this anxious for long :)!

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