Chapter 6

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It was now Monday. Today was the day he was going to send out the letters. Tomorrow he's supposed to receive all of them back.

He got in line infront of the event table at the reception. Surprisingly, there was a lot of people. He could even see people he recognized.

He saw Soobin a few people in front of him... Well that pretty much already gave a point to Yeonjun. Was Soobin bold enough to write his name on the card tho?

Beomgyu wanted to go see him and chat with him. Maybe he was curious, but he also wanted to make sure if the guy was really going to send it to Yeonjun or not.

What kept him back from going to see him was Taehyun next to the older.

God, he was not going to embarrass himself today. He also didn't want to see who Taehyun's card was dedicated to by accident.

Wait, why didn't he want to? Why does he want to know who's Soobin is for, but didn't want to know who Taehyun's was for? Why did Beomgyu not like the thought of seeing someone else's name of Taehyun's card? Was he maybe envious? Jealous? But why would he?

He looked around the line to clear his mind. Then he saw...


He was about 10 people behind Beomgyu. Oh was Beomgyu going to tease him about this.

He tried to hide himself a bit making sure Yeonjun wouldn't see him, because if he did, then he'd probably be the one to be teased instead.

Oh but this was great, this was really great. Beomgyu had to know who that letter was for, but he still stayed in his hiding spot not wanting to lose his place in line.

The line kept moving forward and he witnessed Soobin and Taehyun sending in their singular letters in front.

And surprise surprise, the person in front of Beomgyu was sending a letter to Yeonjun.

He had no idea who the girl was, but that just made another point for the elder. That made Beomgyu think 'Did I make enough cards to beat Yeonjun?'.

It was his turn now and the person in charge gave Beomgyu a confused look. "Would you like to sign your... cards?"

"No thanks, I collected these from my friends by the way they aren't all mine." He came up with a random excuse to save his ass.

"All of these are for the same person th-"

"Yes! Yes that's exact. All of my friends have a crush on the same guy haha..." this was lowkey embarrassing.

"He must be really popular huh? Haha..." this was so awkward.

"Okay we'll make sure they're all sent tomorrow. Have a nice day sir."

Beomgyu walked out of there as fast as possible, still trying to not be seen by Yeonjun.


Periods passed by and it was now lunch. Beomgyu joined Yeonjun and Kai at their usual table.

This was his chance, he's gonna expose Yeonjun.

"Hey my favorite hyung that I adore so much~."

"What do you want." Bluntly said the oldest.

"What did he do this time Beomgyu." Said Huening gaining interest.

"Oh, you know, I just happened to see him waiting in line for the event. Pretty sure he was holding a letter too." He had the biggest, most mischievous smirk on his face.

A huge gasp came from the youngest's mouth. "Is that true hyung?!" he started latching onto Yeonjun's sleeve to get an answer.

Yeonjun's eyes got bigger and his lips parted in shock.

Beomgyu felt a satisfaction of successfully teasing his hyung.

"Y-yeah so what."

"Well, who is it for?" they both asked curiously and carefully watching him.

"That's none of your business you two." He scolded.

"Pleaseee hyung we wanna know!" begged Kai.

Yeonjun looked at Hueningkai's pouting face and couldn't resist.

"It's for," he started. "Mbn.."

"What?" Beomgyu didn't hear anything.


Beomgyu knew who it was just with the last syllable, but he liked teasing Yeonjun too much.

"I didn't hear that hyung!"

"It was for Soobin okay!?" he said loud and clear this time. A bit too loud actually, some heads turned around their table.

Hueningkai put the town down by whispering. "Soobin? As in the Soobin that you keep talking about all the time?"

"Yah, you guys better change the subject before I beat you up. This is personal stuff."

"You know you love us hyung." Beomgyu gave him a cheeky smile. "Also you can say anything to us if you want, we're your friends. Best friends even!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

"Did you at least sign the card?" commented Kai.


"Did you?" Beomgyu renforced the question.


"Hyung!" they shouted identically.

"Why didn't you? Don't you want him to know how you feel?" said Kai.

"Yes I do, bu-" "Wait! Who said it was a love letter?"

"Nobody needs to say that to confirm it. We already know you like Soobin man." Beomgyu couldn't tell him that Soobin shared the same feelings, because he kept a promise with Taehyun.

"Urgh, you guys."

"I guess I just didn't have the balls to write my name."

"What did you even write in it?"

Yeonjun gave a death stare to Beomgyu. "You really get in my business a lot huh?"

"I'm your best friend right? You can tell me everything right?"

"I hate you."

"I love you too!"

"No, only Soobin can love me."

"Aha! So you admit it! You do have feelings for him!" said Kai excitedly.

"Yes dammit, I thought you guys said you already knew."

"Okay enough talking, tell us what you wrote." Beomgyu probably wanted validation, to know if his own letters were maybe close to being as good as Yeonjun's or maybe better.

"I wrote some really dumb shit..."

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