02| facade

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I didn't get a wink of sleep last night

I thought if I ever got my family back everything would instantly be better. I thought my thoughts would go away, I thought the empty void would be filled.

I thought I'd be happy.

But the thoughts are still there, that void is still empty, the silence is still too quiet, i still want to be gone.

It feels as if there's no escape, like I'm trapped in my own mind.

It feels so wrong because I got everything i could ever dream of yet I still feel this way. Father always told me I was ungrateful

It's like all the happiness has been sucked from me because I had nothing to be happy about for so long and now that I should be happy I can't be because I don't know what that feels like anymore.

I'm broken, and I don't know how to fix me.

I can't help but pretend to feel because I don't want to break my brothers.  I just want them to be able to see through my facade.

I just want to feel.

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts as I heard the door knob turning. I quickly flipped over on my side pretending to be asleep. I hear tias and Andres walk in.

I feel someone start stroking my hair then Andres starts to speak "Do you think she's okay?" He says still stroking my hair softly rubbing circles on my back.

im definitely not okay

I think that she's okay now that she has us. I want her to feel like she can trust us with things." Tias says " I think she already does, if she didn't she wouldn't of let us do half the stuff we did with her yesterday."  Andres says, still running his finger through my curls.

can't they see that they've got it all wrong?

I almost went to sleep before the other three of my brother walked in the door, loudly yelling at each other. "Shut the fuck up I know you see her sleeping!" Matias whisper yells to Carlos, Antonio and Matteo "You have to wake her up soon anyways the jet leaves in 20" Matteo says "But I don't want to, she looks so peaceful and she went to sleep late last night." Andres says

I feel a warm thumb caressing my cheek before I flutter my eyes open to be met with Matias. "Good morning butterfly" he says as I suck in a deep breath  rubbing my eyes trying to play off my act. "I'm sorry I had to wake you up but the jet leaves in a little and we have to get ready." He says as I sit up. I let out a small okay and held out my hands so I can stand up. Andres led me to the bathroom and handed me my clothes.

I examined myself in the mirror looking at all my bruises. There was a giant one on my back where I fell in the water and my ribs looked terrible. I inverted my gaze and got in the shower

After my shower I put on my change of clothes and slipped my shoes on. I walked out the bathroom. "You ready to go?" Matteo asked me as he was the only one in the room. We walked to the car as he carried my things to the trunk i got in the car and sat in between Andres and Carlos. "You okay?" Carlos asks. I mumble a 'mmhm' and he gives me a look but he let it go.

Soon enough we arrived at jet and boarded. I sat by the window while Andres sat next to me and Matias and Matteo sat cross from me. Carlos and Antonio were on the other side of the row. As the plane took off I watched the ground below me, a place I never called home. When we were fully in the air I started to feel my eyelids drooping. Matias seemed to notice this.

"You can go to sleep butterfly" he says softly. Andres open his arms and I laid my head in his lap as he ran his fingers through my thick curls as he caressed my arm up in down. Soon my eyelids were heavy again and the darkness welcomed me.


I've been watching Matias watch Araceli sleep for the last 10 minutes. He won't take his eyes off her not even for a second. "You don't have to watch her so closely she's not gonna disappear, hermano." I say looking at him "I know that jackass. I just missed her so much" he says still not looking away

Andres comes into the conversation "Have y'all noticed how light she is? She has to be less than 100 pounds." He says his eyebrows scrunched in concern as he looks down at her. I feel so bad for him. He protected her with his life before she was taken and now she's back but she's not okay and he feels like it's his fault and no one can convince him otherwise.

"I have noticed but I won't mention it, yet. It's probably nothing. I know she's overwhelmed right now, she has to be, this is a lot for her and bombarding her with questions will make it much worse for her so give it time guys" Matias says to all of us.


After awhile the pilot came on the intercom for landing. I looked over to Araceli and she was still in Andres lap sleeping, she had basically been asleep the whole flight, but it's understandable because she looked exhausted. Andres was about to wake her up but Antonio stopped him

"Look at her under eyes, she's exhausted. Let her sleep at least until we get home, I can carry her to the car." He says before standing up, and picking up her little body before placing her on his hip, laying her head on his shoulder.


I have so many question that I don't have answers to right now, and it's killing me. Andres was right, she's very underweight. The doctor in me wants to ask questions and run tests, but the brother in me is telling me not to because I don't know how much she can take.

It's so clear to me that she's not even close to being okay even though she swears she is. If she was okay she wouldn't of jumped off that bridge. If she was okay there wouldn't be scars up and down her writs. If she was okay she wouldn't zone out as much as she does, but the others don't pay attention enough to notice that.

There so caught up in the fact that she's back that they can't see how broken she is, that she needs help. I just want her to be okay and I'm going to make that my mission to make sure she IS okay. It just hurts my heart to se her like that. I can't blame my brother for being happy, but why can't they open their fucking eyes.


Hi guys!
Short chapter today because I'm lazy and it's also a lot of what going on inside Aracelis head right now. Anyways have a good day or night and make sure to take care of yourself! Love you

xoxo Ange✨💗

Word count- 1208

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