10| leaving

75 2 0

this chapter contains very heavy topics including SA, panic, and anxiety attacks. Please skip this chapter if you know you are easily trigger by this kind of stuff.

"I didn't even do that!" Araceli exclaims playfully at Carlos

"You know teo likes to start stuff he stole your ice cream" she yells slapping his hand away from her small bowl. Matteo wears a child like grin as he stuffs his face

"Your like a man-sized child Matteo." I say disgusted by his smaking. Andres rolls his eyes not engaging in conversation just on his phone ignoring everyone here.

"Cel before we go I wanted to talk about something." I say trying to slide into the topic. Looks at me confused.

"Matias, Matteo, Carlos, and I have to leave for three days on a buisiness trip. Andres will be here to take care of you and if anything comes up, call me and we'll be straight home." Her eyes go wide and she stays quiet.

"Uhm okay" she says with a small smile on her face.

I start going over the details with my brothers when I notice Araceli.

Spaced out, shaking, fidgeting, slight heavy breathing. I already know it's either a panic attack or an anxiety attack.

"You guys ready to head back home?" I ask and everyone nods except for Araceli. Knows she's probably no physically here, I gently take her by the arm and guide her out the ice cream parlor into the SUV.

"Matteo can you drive please?" I ask handing him the keys as I climb in the back of the car next to Araceli to calm her down before it becomes severe.

Now her breathings a little more rapid and the subtle shake isn't so subtle anymore.

"Celi? Hey can you hear me?" I ask. She frantically nods her head.

"Okay, I need you to calm down. Breathe in and out slow long breaths" I say. She shakes her head.

"Yes you can. Let's count from 20 together okay?" She nods her head







"13, you're doing so good princess"




"9, only eight more, you got it"




"5, almost there"




"1, look at that, you did it" I say giving her a hug.

"You alright now?" She nods her head in response.

"You think you'll be okay? If not it's nothing for me to miss the business trip and just stay with you." I say looking towards her

We sit in silence for a while before she speaks up

"I'll be okay, I promise. It's just the anxiety of it all. I haven't been away from you since I got here and now it's like I'm attached." She says leaning into me.

It's didn't take long for them to leave. As soom as we got back home all the suitcases were lined up at the door and Matias was waiting for them on the couch.

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