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So they have been serving liver and beans forever now. Me and my friends are getting sick of it. Hawkeye started a chant in the mess hall today. I was sitting with Radar and Klinger, and they were going along with it. The menu didn't change, (*despite his very specific efforts*) so he needed something to do about it. He chose to get some barbecued ribs from this place in Chicago.

I know this because me and my best friend Sarah helped him get his ribs. I saw the way he was bugging Henry. We had to help him.

Hi Hawkeye, Hi Trapper, Hi Sarah! How are you-


I'm preTty suRe tHat mY BEST FRIEND SarAh, is uMm, datIng, umM, TraPper?!

"oKaY I mAy bE dAtIng TraPpeR...." she said.

"yeAh, wE aRe dAtIng eAch oThEr..." Trapper explained.

"Where's Hawkeye?" I asked.

"Oh he'll be back soon, he went to Henry's office." Trapper replied.

"oH shOoT! I fOrgOt, I shOulD bE wOrkIng riGhT nOw..." I thought to myself.

When I came in, Henry and Hawkeye were talking, and I heard a shouting voice for a call. 

I recognized it- It was MY boyfriend! I love working with him, he is awesome. 

"Got any luck ordering the ribs yet?"

"No... Hopefully your man can help me." Hawkeye grinned.

"Oh geez, so you should ask him if he will help you call them." I suggested.

"Okay, I will when I'm done with work." He agreed with me.

I gave away a quarter of my side when Sarah joined the 4077. 

Hawkeye told me the next day that him and Radar ordered the ribs.

Who will deliver them?

Hawkeye, Trapper and I were sitting in the tent talking. We got one of Trapper's friends to deliver the ribs. We were about to eat, but then we had to work. We ate them when we got off of work.

Okay so the next chapter is going to shock you. Get ready for it...

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