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Yongsun POV

We are going back to Seoul tomorrow after 4 days touring the Jeju Island.

I'm not feeling well this few days. I don't know why but i keep vomiting and feel dizzy. We were just stayed in our room after breakfast today so that i can rest well before our flight tomorrow morning.

"Yong, are you okay? Should we go to the clinic?" Byul sit beside me while I'm still laid on the bed with blanket cover my half body.

"No, i don't think so." I wake from the bed and sat carefully.

"Are you pregnant?"

I'm just silent for a moment, thinking my period cycles that has been late for almost 2 months.


"Should i go and buy the pregnancy test kit?"

"Yeah, i think so. Can you?"

"Yes, of course honey..." She leans on me and kisses my temple.

"I'll be back."

Moonbyul go out to buy the pregnancy test while me resting my head on the headboard of the bed.

'What if I'm pregnant? Am i ready to be a mother?' I talked to myself.

After a few minutes, Moonbyul come back with 2 test kit and a few medicines to stop me from vomiting.

"You stay here. Let me go and check it first." I warn her.


I take the pregnancy kit and go inside the shower room. Why am i so nervous?

After a minute, the result shows up. I'm shocked.

"Honey, are you okay?" She knocked the door.

I come out from the shower room and i gave her the test kit.

"Thank goodness... I'm so happy, Yong!" She hugs me tight as she carries me to the bed.

"Are we ready to be a parent, babe?"

"Yes, I'm definitely ready to be a daddy. Don't you?"

"I don't know. We were just being a couple yesterday. Then we found out that I'm pregnant of your child."

"Are you not happy with this?" She looks into my eyes.

"It is not what i mean babe... I'm kind of afraid that we are going to be a parent soon. Can we handle this?"

"Honey, I'm going to marry you soon. Don't worry about that. I'm going to take care of you and our baby. We will build our own family..."

"Will you?"

"Yes. I will marry you soon. We are going to take care of this child together for sure."

"I love you, Byul..."

"I love you too, honey." She presses her lips on mine and we kissed deep and passionately.

We pack our things and we going back to Seoul after our vacation at Jeju. I'm definitely cherishing our moments together at Jeju. I'm so happy when she proposing me and I'm pregnant with her child. I'm definitely a happy woman on earth for sure. I know Byul going to take care of me and our baby for her whole heart and I'm not regret choosing her to be my partner for the rest of my life.

6 months later.

Moonbyul POV

Yongsun is already on her third trimester which is the baby now is 27 weeks old. Thank goodness her morning sickness didn't last long. For now, i just have to deal with her craving but not too extreme. I try my best to fulfill her cravenness anytime and anywhere she wants.

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