᥊ Episode 7 ᥊ - Freeze Your Brain

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(still) May 4th, 2009

I started to head out, thinking it would be the end of the interaction, and becoming once again conscious that Willow would be wanting to leave asap, but Billie Joe called me back.

"Hey, um, I was wondering, would you be willing to hang out at the studio for a while and check things out? We're just finishing up some stuff on our new songs, but therefore you are legally required not to speak a word to anyone else. Oh, Ramone will be there too", he asked.

"I'd be absolutely willing!", I agreed, "Oh, um is it alright if I let my aunt know first though?"

He nodded quickly, "Oh yeah sure, no worries."

I quickly sprinted downstairs to where Willow was waiting in the lobby and skidded on my converse so I didn't crash into her and possibly others, Billie Joe following behind me at a more "normal" pace.

"There you are. What've you been up to?", she asked, clearly trying to be jovial but wanting to leave immediately.

"Umm... So I was wondering, possibly maybe, it's totally alright if its not alright, buuuuut perhaps could I-?"

"Is this about the thing at the studio?", she cut off my muttering, "If you wanna do it, that's alright but I want you back in time for dinner, okay? And don't let them talk you into weed, you've got your 20s to do that."

I had pretty much nothing to add after that, she summed it up pretty concisely. I then realised something and slowly turned to Billie Joe who was standing behind me.

"She knew. You let me fumble and mumble and tumble like a fool... when she knew," I gave him a death glare.

That interaction made Ramone howl with laughter and Adrienne, who was passing by, whistled, and muttered, "Remind me not to get on your bad side."

Willow chuckled, "Well, I'll see you later tonight, motor machine."

"Sure thing, tree," I replied, still smirking at our stupid literal nicknames for each other.

She then turned to Billie Joe again very seriously, handed him a piece of paper and spoke, "This is my phone number. A single thing goes wrong, you call it. And I swear to god, if a single thing happens to that girl, I annihilate your ass, Armstrong. Clear?"



When I went into the studio with my shoulders back but as it went along, I was shaken out when I was blasted by segments of some of the best songs I've ever heard and later relaxed them when I realised how truly unprofessional these professional wackadoos were. It was also particularly entertaining to watch them gather around Ramone on the floor as they explained gender. I was impressed at how quickly they caught on.

It must've been an hour into the session when, after witnessing Tré Cool pull out a cigarette and asking, "Was it good for you?" after an extremely intense drum solo, Billie Joe decided it was time to take a break.

"I'm heading out. Hey Harley," he called to me, "You like 7-Eleven?"

"Like a stoner likes White Castle," I replied, giddily making my way out with him.

"I should be getting home," Ramone caught me just before we left, "I'll see you later, huh? OH, and fill me in on all the shenanigans I miss, okay?"

"Sure thing," I nodded, continuing to head out with Billie Joe.

As we walked around the corner to the nearest 7-Eleven, I was vibrating with excitement. This guy really was such a cool dude. It was super peaceful in the store, save the humming of the florescent lights and the distant sounds of Rupert Holmes playing from the radio.

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