Ch 1. Captured

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3rd Person

"I'm gonna kill you... " Rick whispered as he sat, stunned, after just watching the death of his two family members.

Negan took a few steps forward, keeping the bloody bat 'Lucile' in front of Rick's face. Negan crouched and got level with Rick's face.

"What?... I didn't quite catch that, your gonna have to speak up. " Negan said with his voice low. Only Rick could hear him. His eyes looked as though he was looking directly through Negan.

"Not today... Not tomorrow... But I'm gonna kill you. " Rick's voice was horse, gritty almost. But his eyes held a fire so fierce, not even the sun could withstand his gaze.

"Jesus... " Negan sucked his teeth, he was cocky. High on his power and he held no signs of ever coming down. His chuckle was sharp, sounding even more full of himself at this point.

"Simon... What did he have... A knife? " Negan's eyes never left Rick. The stare was just begging Rick to try something.

"Uh... He had a hatchet. " Simons meek voice was heard.

"A hatchet? " Negan almost laughed looking up to Simon from his crouched state.

"He had an axe. " Simon said.

Negan chuckled and looked back to Rick.

"Simon's my right hand man... Having one of those is important. I mean, what do you have left without em?... A whole lotta work... Do you have one?... Maybe one of these fine people still breathing? " Negan still held Rick's gaze. Harsh with no remorse or guilt. Rick didn't respond to his question, just staying quiet.

"Oh.... Or did I? " Negan clicked his tongue as he imitated hitting something with the bloody bat.

Still, no words left Rick's mouth. Giving back an even more tense and furious stare towards Negan.

"Yeah.... Sure... Bring me his Axe. " Negan said. Footsteps were heard behind Rick, Simon has brought the hatchet to Negan just like he was ordered to.

With the hatchet in hand, Negan stood. His bat 'Lucile' still in his fist. He put the hatchet on his belt, and grabbed Rick's jacket behind his neck.

"Ill be right back, maybe Rick will be with me... And if not. Well, we can just turn these people inside out won't we? " He said loud enough for everyone to hear while he forced Rick to his knees, dragging him along towards the RV a few feet away. Rick's hands and knees scraped along the dirt floor, being twisted around to match Negan pace.

"I mean... The ones that are left. " Negan said as he threw Rick into the open doorway of the RV.

Sobbing and hollow breaths were heard from the group on their knees. They just watched as their leader... The one they follow almost blindly... Be taken away from them, with no way to fight back.


The day before-

The dawn of day broke over the horizon, the birds were chirping, and the dew of last nights cold weather was dripping from the trees and leaves. Milee had already woken up, sitting hunched over with her elbows on her knees. Milee's cell was nothing but a single bed and a toilet. The walls were dripping from the condensation, the concrete and brick not holding any warmth what-so-ever. Her bedding was getting wet but she couldn't care less. Her body ached from her job but she couldn't change anything.

She heard shuffling but kept her head down. Milee's neck was bruised from the restraints they use on her but she rubbed it anyways, trying to massage the throbbing pain out of her muscles. The piercing pain kept her from falling back to sleep. The jingle of keys was what made Milee shift her gaze towards the door.

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