BGT Final 2015

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Dec" And the winner of BGT is Jules o Dywer and Matisse"

The studio erupted into huge rounds of applause and cheering and of course the dog has no ideas what he has done. Ant and Dec congratulate Jules and gorgeous Matisse on their winner and also Jamie Raven who has come second and then go on to thank you the judges on a brilliant series.

Ant" Well thank to all that auditioned and to our judges but mostly to you for watching at home we are going over to ITV2 now to join Mr Stephen Mulhern and Charlie Donnelly for all gossip "

Dec" See you next year "

Stephen" Hello everybody welcome to BGMT "
Charlie*stroking Matisse*
Stephen" Charlie you made a new friend"
Charlie" I think so I think I might have to kidnap him "
Simon" Only if I can don't do it first "
Stephen" You better watch out Jules so what does it feel like has it sunk in yet "
Jules" No way I just can't believe it "
Stephen" Well we will be chatting to you a bit later on but for now if you have a question here is how you get in touch "

Stephen" Charlie leave the dog alone "
Charlie*laughing* He is so lovely "
Stephen" So judges right result "
Simon" Definitely"
Charlie*laughs* Well we all know Simon loves dogs "
Simon" I think it's is true we are a nation that loves dogs "
Charlie" Did you ever think we would find another Ashleigh and Pudsey"
Simon" Yes "
Stephen" Well there you go"
Charlie" Shall we take some calls Stevie "
Stephen" Why not "

After taking some calls we go to a break.

Stephen" Welcome to BGMT "
Charlie" Now let's welcome to guys we couldn't do the show without its Ant and Dec"

The whole BGMT studio erupts into clapping and music until they sit down.

Charlie hugs her dad and Stephen gives Ant a quick hug before they sit down and start chatting about the show they just witnessed.

Stephen" Could you have called the winner"
Ant" To be honest no we have had a amazing final but when she came out and Matisse done that I know they were in for chance "
Dec" It was like so close with her and Jamie "
Charlie" So you think the right act one tonight "
Dec " I think they are both brilliant acts, I mean we are a nation of dog lovers "
Stephen" What's that dog going to do with all that money "
Charlie" Buy loads of bones with it "

Stephen" Now lads as always you have been unbelievable so would you like to see your best bits "
Ant " Come on the nonsense let's have it "

Shows vt*

Charlie" Yes what a series it's been"
Stephen" Are you guys ready"
Dec" Seriously do we have to play this game again"

Stephen" Let me just get the gong ready okay go "

Charlie starts asking questions.

But Ant and Dec together fail to get more points to beat Louis Spence.

Charlie" Daaaad"
Dec" What I'm not very good"
Charlie" Clearly"
Dad" Oi cheeky " *hugs her*

Stephen" Okay Emma's go "

Stephen starts asking Emma questions and she does really well until Stephen runs out of questions.

Emma " Come on that has to be cheating "
Charlie" Stephen"
Stephen" What "

They ask the panel what they think of the winner before talking to the runner up and then the winner.

Charlie" Yes " *strokes Matisse"
Stephen" I would watch if I were you Jules she will have Matisse "
Charlie" He is just so adorable "
Stephen" So has it sunk in yet "
Jules" No it just can't believe it it's so unreal I mean us winning BGT "
Stephen" Well there you and you get to perform on the royal variety "
Jules " I can't wait I'm very excited "

After talking to the winner they get the band to play out the end of show.

Stephen" That is it for the end of this year we hope you enjoyed the series "
Charlie" And we will see you next year for more talent "

Hope you like! Missed some bits out I know ,but tell me your thoughts!!

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