Chapter 1

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A/N: This story will contain some or a lot of swearing you've been warn.

I was remembering all the thing i've done till that moment.

I woke up and went to school as normal, the classes were as boring as ever so i was able to dream about my perfect life. Now you're asking "Perfect life?" Yes because my life hasn't been a life full of roses.

So where do i start?

I'm a girl who has always been a little heavier than the other girls and was bullied by that.

From first to forth grade they would call me names and beat me.
In fifth grade they beat and call me names too.
On the sixth grade one of the bullies pointed a knife at me and to one of my so called friends (yes, because in the seventh grade we never saw each other again). When he pointed the knife at us i just jumped to the side and made a dash to the guard of the school it was my luck that i could run faster than the bullie and the knife was confiscated and he almost got expelled!
But guess what?! he wasn't!!! what a great luck don't you think?

Then, in seventh grade i finally found a real friend! I was really happy but one of my bullies (the one i hated the most) was on our class too. Her name was Patricia gosh she was really annoying and arrogant and so untrue like if you told her something personal she would tell the whole world about it.

Anyways after ninth grade me and my friend had to separate each other because we had choose different courses she chose science while i chose linguistics yeah but we talk to each other now and then. She's my second best friend in my life hehe. Her name's Ana btw.

My first best friend it's Marta she's like a little sister to me. I love her a lot i can count on her for everything and she can count on me for everything too. I teach her everything i know about life (like i know anything xD) but we have that kind of relationship and i love it.

Wow my life it's a total shit hahaha but i'm not depressed, i think...

Well but that's not everything that has been happening...

A/N: So first chappie! More about the oc i was going to start with the story but i felt like writing about this first and the next one is going to be about another problem on Andreia's life so bye bye!!

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