The Awful Loneliness and The Reconciliation

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Chapter 45

"Yes, proven by the Dna test and everything" he said proudly and wrapping an arm around my shoulders

"Even if she is a princess i won't let her stay or set foot in Liberty and that's final!" The King said pointing an accusing finger at me

"Very well!" I said and turned to the exit at the end of a big hall

"I'm going Robbie are you coming?" I said and started to walk really fast but still walking

"Wait!" Keith said grabbing my hand

"Where are you going? I didn't say anything yet!" He said

"Keith, you know this is better for both of us. You get to marry whoever your father wants and i get to live a partially normal life. We're both winning. Now, let me go" i said and shook his hand off and started to walk even faster

I can't cry... please don't stop me Keith or it'll be even more difficult to leave...

But on the other side i want him to stop me... i'm so confused...

Just as i was about to reach the end of the hallway i heard hurried footsteps and felt a pair of arms around me

"Please don't leave me here alone again... i can't live without you! I-i... I love you!" he whispered on my ear and i knew he was in the verge of tears as i was as well

I-i can't say it... i need to leave but i can't let him like this...

I turned around and kissed him with all my might pouring all my feeling in it. I felt him kiss back as passionately as i did.

I then stepped back and ran to the limo before i broke down in front of him. Roberto was already there and we took our leave.

I didn't want to look at Roberto so i looked outside.

Biggest mistake ever made...

Keith... why are you crying? I-i made the right thing... i-i'm almost sure...

"*Sob*" No! I have to keep quiet... i have to be strong...

In the whole trip i was silently crying my eyes out and decided to wear my sunglasses.

We reached the Villa and i went to my room almost immediately

Why? Why did you cry? Why couldn't i say i loved you too? I'm so stupid! So weak! But i know i did the right thing... i had to do this for the both of us. He needs someone that will help him rule his kingdom. I would only drag him down.

I was on my pajamas inside my bed clutching my bunny plushy that had 15 years like me. He was the only one who could comfort me now.

I heard the door open and i quieted down so they wouldn't hear me. I want to be alone now...

"Andy? It's me your big bro! Are you awake?" He asked and waited for something

"I guess not... when you want to talk i'll be in my study... bye" he sounded heartbroken as well...

I only make them worry and depressed! Can't i make them the bit least happy? Why am i here anyways? Am i suppose to break or something?

I need music...

I got up and went to the music room without being spotted and closed the door

I went to the piano and started to play with it to get to know the sounds

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