The Brat in The Morning

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Chapter 36

I felt something move my head but i was a little far off now and felt my favourite lullabie being played only for me. And with that i fell asleep.

Next morning i woke up feeling really hot, and that wasn't normal. I tried to move only to find that i was being held by someone. That someone chuckled feeling me move and i opened one eye to see them

It was Keith and he was blushing a bit because he must have thought i was still sleeping

"What are you looking at?" I said in my sleepy voice only now noticing my headache

"N-nowhere! Why do you ask?" He sounded flustered

"Nothiiing! What happened yesterday after i fell asleep?" I was with my eyes closed still waking up

"We came here and i laid you down and fell asleep i guess"

"Tired much?" I smiled a little


"And what about Laura? I think she was in the car too, right?"

"Yes she stayed here at the Manse, i don't know if she's still here though" he said scratching the back of his neck

"We'll find out soon enough, oh and Good morning!" I said opening my eyes and giving him a smile again

"Took you long enough! Good morning" he said smirking

"You know i'm lazy and slow in the morning!" I said shoving him a little

We were gazing at each other's eyes with sleepy and tiredness showing

This is a perfect moment, when you wake up and see a person you care for smiling down at you and giving you a 'good morning'... 'Life goals!'

But, as always, this moment had to end sometime and it ended when the door bursted open revealing a blonde i wished not to see

"See? I told you we would find out soon enough!" I said laughing a little, i guess i was in a good mood

I lifted myself up and now was sitting on the bed looking at her and Keith did the same

"What are you, a commoner, doing in the same bed as a crown prince of a country?" She said with that attitude of her

"Good morning to you too! And about your question i think it's got nothing to do with you since your not my friend or Keith's fiancee or girlfriend, so Fuck Off!" I said with my creepy smile

"How dare you speak to me like this? Prince Keith, are you going to sit there and do nothing?" She asked in her false innocent voice

I looked at him dead in the eyes with a sligh glare. He seeemed to get the point and turned to her

"Me? Why would i? We're in her room after all, i can't do anything" he said playing dumb

"Her room? Why does she have a room? And why are you in her room?"

"You have nothing to do with it!" I said with the same smile i had before

She stomped off of the room and i laid down with a sigh

"So annoying..." and closed my eyes

"Tell me nothing..." i felt him do the same as me

"We gotta get up so she doesn't freak out too much" i said getting up and heading to the bathroom

"Yeah you're right" he said getting out of the room


Andy: I'M SO SORRY!!! Wattpad bugged my chapter and i had to rewrite it i promiss i will make a better one next! Sorry! :(

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