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"This is life, let's live it."

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This is the Outer Banks, paradise on earth, at least that's what shows up if you search it up. It's the kinda place where you either skip school to party all night or party all night to skip school, though now that I think about it I guess everyone does that. Two tribes forced to share one big island.

Tribe One resides in figure eight, the nicer and more put-together part of the island. Home to those that we call Kooks, the rich mother fuckers that run just about every single thing from supposed "small businesses" to our very own police department. Just a heads up, if you ever decide to associate with them and something happens, you're better off keeping it to yourself than reporting it. Also, if you ever see a Kook keep your distance because I swear they all bite.

On the other side of the island, we have the south side, better known as the cut. Home of the working class who make a living either serving the Kooks or cleaning up their mess. The Natural habitat of, drumroll please       .       .       .       THE POUGES! Or as I like to consider us, the outcasts! We are the ones that you don't see around, the ones the Kooks try to hide when you go to buy a house or come to enjoy your vacation. But if you're a teenager or know the right people, we are the ones you'll come to when you wanna have a party or snag a good beer.

Pogues, poguies. Kooks, kookies, and whatever else you wanna call us. All terminology that's been drilled into our heads and likely yours since the moment we were born or the moment you decided to come visit stepped foot on this island. And of course, all terminology that I swear was invented in the eighteen hundred's or something because who in the hell calls poor people workers, we aren't your slaves! Anyways, I'm done ranting.

In between all of this Pouge and Kook bullshit you hear, you have Ki and I. Kook turned Pouge BFFs since the moment we met. Two girls who at a young age decided to rebel against their parents in the best way possible, by working jobs and hanging out with Pouges. Though if I'm being honest Kiara was more forced into "rebelling" than I was.

If you don't believe me then why don't you just see my house. Four blocks down from the Kook prince and princess themselves, Rafe and Sarah Cameron. Two entitled assholes who think they can walk all over everyone else because they rule the goddamn world. A quick word of advice, if you get to make the decision, don't make the same mistake I did and instead stay the fuck away from them. It's common sense if you know what's good for you.

Anyways back to rebelling against our parents. Even though Kiara is, no offense to her, the basic bad girl who tells her parents to fuck off and rolls her eyes when they yell, she still rebels in every way she can. For me rebelling isn't the same as her's, instead of threatening to quit every week and rolling my eyes at my parents I work a part-time job at Kiara's dad's restaurant, the Wreck, the best place to eat regardless of what side of the island your on, to make my own money and in  their eyes "tarnish their name by being a slave to those I stand on the same level as." Those are my "dad's" words not my own.

But as John B says and his words exactly "Downside of Pogue life is that we're ignored and neglected. But the upside of Pogue life? We're ignored and neglected, meaning we can do whatever we want, whenever we want." So regardless of how much life can suck, at least we can make the most of it.

Anyways, fuck the whole Kook and Pogue backstory which was basically me just explaining to you how royalty works. Now it's time for introductions.

The dumb blonde who can't help but flirt with every girl he sees, doesn't matter if their Kook, Pogue, or Tourie (tourist) is JJ. John B's best friend since the 3rd grade and the only person I bend the no Pouge on Pouge macking rule with just to fuck with John B and all his ju ju.

Then we have Ki, my best friend since we stumbled upon each other after having bad run-ins with the Cameron siblings. Born Kook yet juggles jobs like nobody's business, just like me. She's the one who first introduced me to the group I now call family. When she's not hanging out with me, trying to save the turtles, or fawning over John B, she hangs out with the Pogues and helps out at the Wreck.

The only person with actual brain cells in the group and the only person I've ever known to make a half-decent decision is Pope. He reminds me in so many ways of my little brother and is the only person I'd ever trust if I got into legal trouble. His dad loves me and hooks me up with whatever I need, whenever I need it. He's a literal legend to all Pogues on the island, anything you could ever want or need, Heyward can get.

The leader of the group and the one I swear holds some type of grudge against me is John B. His dad went missing at sea a couple of years ago and is presumed dead, which makes him currently an orphan and me his "legal guardian". Somehow we had managed to convince CPS that I was his aunt over the phone and have been putting off checkups for as long as possible. Even though he doesn't believe his dad is dead, some of us still try to make him face the reality of things but I know deep down he will never listen.

Lastly, there's me. I am Maya Brooks, daughter of Lee and Christina Brooks and sister of Ezra Brooks, some of the wealthiest Kooks there are, besides the Camerons of course.

Even though I was born into wealth and have parents who could care less what their children do with their money, I have never taken a drop of it. I decided the moment I turned seven I was going to rebel in the best way I could by becoming a part of my parent's worst nightmare, the working class. Lucky enough for me when I brought up wanting a job Kiara's dad offered to pay me five whole dollars a day if I advertised for him.

Regardless of how much my parents may want me home all the time I spend most of my time at the Chateau with the rest of my group either drinking, smoking, partying, or being morons, living life with no rules except the ones we make for ourselves and trying our best to stay off of the Kooks radar. Especially the Camerons.  

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Currently going through and rewriting things to make them more well-planned and enjoyable for readers. I also decided to not use a ton of dialogue from the show and instead make up some of my own for an easier read. I hope you all enjoyed and if you have any ideas just let me know.

Word Count: 1251

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