I, Hurricane Agatha

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"Every friend group has a mom"

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"Can't you just, I don't know, clock out early? Just this once, please!" JJ whined as he gave me his best try at puppy dog eyes which looked a lot to me like fuck me eyes. I glared at the blonde who sat on the bar in front of me while I did some last-minute glass cleaning.

"For the last time JJ that's not how this works. Plus if you want a frickin cold beer or I don't know, home-cooked meal tonight then I recommend you get your ass off Mr Carrera's counter before he revokes my paycheck privileges and decides to fire me on the spot." JJ's eyes still pleaded with me to end my shift but my only response was to whip him with the towel in my hand until he got off the bar which he quickly did after the third whip to his side.

"Fine, fine, fine! Just stop whipping me, you crazy woman! And let the record show I am only doing this for the cold beer!" With those words the blonde made his way to the exit of the building, finally leaving me with peace and quiet to finish my shift.

My peace didn't last long when JJ popped his head back into the room and yelled, "Oh, and the next time you whip me it better be in the bedroom!" I didn't even have time to react to the blonde's words before he was back out the door, probably running for his life.

A deep sigh escaped my lips as I tried to get back to cleaning the many dirty glasses in front of me. The wreck had closed for a few hours around twenty minutes ago and my shift was supposed to end when that happened but I decided to stay to pick up some extra cash from Mr Carrera as well as my paycheck.

"You know if you weren't my best employee I'd fire you for allowing him on my bar which may I remind you, many of my happily paying customers eat on." Mr Carrera spoke from behind me, causing me to jump.

"Sir I-" My brain failed me as I tried to think of a lie to tell him. How long had he even been standing there? How much of that conversation did he hear? Is he going to fire me?

"No need to explain anything or give me any half-assed excuses. I have a daughter so I know how your brain works. Just don't let me catch him on the bar again, got it?" He asked me whilst giving me a stern look which made my blood halt in my veins. Since when did he get so scary?

"Umm, yes sir." I nodded as I picked up another glass to clean, trying my best to get back to work before I gave him any other reasons to take away my only source of income.

He was now standing in front of me at the bar, staring at my hands as they cleaned the glasses. "I think you've worked enough this week, take this and go clock out." I glanced up at my boss who now held out an envelope to me, likely full of cash as I requested for my paycheck this time.

"Are you sure? Because I am more than willing to work another shift today or clock in some overtime." My voice wavered slightly as uncertainty clouded my veins. The last thing I wanted was to disappoint Mr Carrera or have him think any less of me, especially since he was both my boss and my best friend's father.

"I'm sure Maya, now hurry on before I change my mind." He pointed me towards the door and the look on my face told me if I stayed I would likely regret my choices. I quickly placed the glass down on the table, took off my apron, and made my way towards the door.

"Oh and Maya, make sure when you see Kiara you tell her I want her home by seven." Mr Carrera yelled after me as I left the Wreck.

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