III, That God Damn Gun

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"If stupid could fly, you would be a jet"

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We all sat there staring down at the boat beneath us, all of us deep in thought processing the situation we were in. "Someone's gotta go down there and check it out, and it sure as hell ain't gonna be me," I shot a "dont argue with me" look towards my friends.

Everyone nodded their heads, all deciding not to argue with me. After a bit more thinking everyones eyes went straight to JJ whose face immediately fell. "Oh fuck all of you, I ain't going down there. For all I know there could be dead people!" The blonde defended his decision, his hands flailing around in the air while he spoke.

John B let out a deep sigh. "Yall are a bunch of pussies! Diver down!" He yelled before jumping straight into the water, disappearing straight into the dark depths.

We all stood hovering over the edge as the minutes passed by, still no sign of John B anywhere near the surface. "Is anyone else starting to get worried? Maybe we should send someone down to check on him." Kiara suggested as she kept her eyes on the water, the hope that he would resurface eminent in her voice. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, someone needed to go check on him.

Knowing my friends were still too scared to go down there I began to strip from my already soaked clothes, deciding it was best to give my outfit time to dry while I hung out in my bathing suit. Just as I was about to jump into the water, John B broke through the surface gasping for air and swimming straight for the ladder on the side of the boat.

"Holy shit man, are you okay? We totally thought you had died down there." I asked him as I ran over to help him up onto the boat.

"You were down there for way too long man, you had us all worried sick." Pope scoldedJogn B who did nothing but flop onto the deck in return.

"Any dead bodies?" JJ asked, causing us all to shoot him a dirty look and John B to roll his eyes.

"What? I was just curious!" The blonde put his hands out in front of him, waving off our looks.

"I'm fine, just a tad outta breath." John B spoke, still struggling to return air into his lungs. "And for the record JJ, no, there were no bodies. Though I did find this motel key." John B said as he held up a rusty motel key.

As John B held out the key I grabbed it from his hands, the logo on it almost looking familiar to me. "Guys, we should report the wreck to the coast guard." Kiara insisted, the goody two shoes in her shining through her rough exterior.

"Honestly I agree, for a boat like that we could probably get some good money. For all we know Maya may not have to work all summer again." JJ winked at me causing my cheeks to flush slightly. No matter how much he flirts with me I don't think I will ever get used to it.

Pope wasted no time in starting the engine to the boat and before I knew it we were off to the coast guard. Nobody spoke the entire way there or at least I didn't hear anyone speak. I tuned everyone out as I twirled the motel key in my hand. I still couldn't shake the familiar feeling it held.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Pope shook my shoulders slightly. I glanced up at him and realized we had arrived at the coast guards office. He stuck his hand out to me and I took it, bringing myself up to my feet.

The moment we opened the door to the Coast Guards office we were swarmed by a ton of people. It was almost entirely impossible to understand a single thing being said in that room due to everyone shouting at once. Someone's power is still out, someone's dog is missing, another person has a tree dropped on their roof, but apart from all of them there was one voice that caught my attention the most.

My little disaster   ⬨   -   ⬨   Rafe Cameron x OCWhere stories live. Discover now