II, Is That A Boat?!

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"I think your parents love me more than you."

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Sunlight streamed in through the window next to me, flooding my closed eyes with light bright enough to wake me almost immediately. My eyes fluttered open as I sat up and glanced around the room in search of the two boys. I found John B passed out on the floor shirtless, using his t-shirt as a pillow.

Just as I began to wonder where the blonde was I felt the couch shift behind me and two big arms wrap around my waist. I glanced over my shoulder to find a shirtless sleeping JJ, drool running down his cheek and hair an absolute mess. I giggled slightly as I remembered JJ arguing with John B about who would get to sleep next to me on the couch, though it was less of an argument and instead just JJ yelling "She's mine." and John B not giving a shit.

A groan came from the other side of the room as the floor creaked under John B's body. "Holy mother of god my fucking head hurts." John B groaned as he sat up, his t-shirt falling off of his face and landing on his lap.

"Can you stop being so fucking loud, my head is pounding." JJ moaned from beside me as his grip around my waist tightened. He turned his head slightly just for his face to be cast in the gray sunlight pouring into the room. Quickly regretting his decision, he buried his face into my side to shield his eyes.

"Maybe if you guys didn't drink every beer in the fridge you wouldn't be so hung over." I lectured the two boys as I pried myself out of JJ's grasp just to end up falling off the couch and landing straight on my ass. I heard a small chuckle come from both the hungover idiots.

"Hey you helped us, it's not our fault you are a lightweight and passed out after four beers leaving me and John B to finish them off," JJ responded as he buried his face into a couch cushion. I laughed at the two hung-over boys as they both shielded their vision from the weak sunlight.

I stood up from the ground, rubbing my sore ass as I walked over to the counter where I left my phone. It buzzed once, then twice, the screen lighting up as missed calls from Kiara showed up on my phone. I read the time 10:26. Oh fuck I am so late!

"Shit! I gotta go!" I yelled at the two boys who groaned in response. I guess my alarm didn't go off or we slept straight through it because I am currently extremely late for my shift at the wreck. Oh god, Mr. Carrera is gonna kill me.

I ran out of the house, throwing myself on my bike and pedaling as fast as I could down the street, weaving past fallen trees and trying to avoid all the trash that littered the ground.

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I didn't even bother to waste time locking my bike up, instead, I just threw it into the bike rack and booked it to the entrance. Please god, if you love me, don't let me lose my job today.

I rounded the corner to the bar and was immediately met with a pissed-off Mr. Carerra and a hard-at-work Kiara.

"Sir I am so sorry, I don't know why my alarm didn't go off this morning but it didn't and I didn't get KIaras calls last night. Hell, I didn't even get a chance to go home and just please don't fire me!" I pleaded with him, praying to god that he would take some pity on me.

Mr. Carrera stopped what he was doing and looked up at me. "The Wrecks closed today due to the Hurricane which means you don't have a shift to work today, so I can't necessarily be mad at you. But if you are willing to help we could still use a hand cleaning up the mess Hurricane Agatha left behind." His voice was softer than his expression. I could tell by the look on his face that he was more stressed out than he was mad.

My little disaster   ⬨   -   ⬨   Rafe Cameron x OCWhere stories live. Discover now