Chapter 4

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Once upon a time, in the vibrant city of Paris, a girl named Marinette found herself finally free from the tangled web of struggles that had consumed her life for far too long. By the constant presence of Chat Noir, a fellow superhero and her partner in the ongoing battle against evil. Chat Noir had harboured romantic feelings for his can-do-no-wrong Ladybug, and his advances had increased.

But no more. After years of enduring Chat Noir's advances and his misguided attempts at courtship, she had finally lost her patience and had revoke his rights as her partner. She had grown tired of his relentless pursuit and his inability to understand her boundaries.

It all began when Ladybug refused to go out on a date with Chat Noir, believing that their focus should remain on protecting the city from the nefarious Shadowmoth and his army of akumatized villains. Chat Noir, however, took offense at her rejection and decided to stop showing up for battles, leaving Ladybug to face the threats alone.

Little did Chat Noir know, she had always suspected his true identity. She had seen through his mask and recognized him as Adrien Agreste, a wealthy and privileged prat from her school. Their partnership as Ladybug and Chat Noir had been a complicated dance, with Adrien's dual personas intertwining and causing a myriad of emotional turmoil for Ladybug.

It wasn't long before a new threat emerged in the form of Lila, a conniving classmate who began spreading lies about Marinette, painting her as a bully. To her dismay, Adrien did not stand up for her, proving his spine was indeed made of rubber. This betrayal only fueled her frustration and solidified her decision to sever ties with Chat Noir.

As the battles against Shadowmoth continued, she found herself surprisingly capable of defeating him without Chat Noir's presence. Her intuition and strategic thinking allowed her to outsmart the villain, and with each victory, her confidence grew. She realized that she didn't need Chat Noir to validate her skills as a hero; she had the strength and determination to protect her city on her own.

Marinette's triumph over Shadowmoth not only proved her capabilities but also unveiled a newfound sense of freedom and liberation. She was no longer bound by the constraints of Chat Noir's advances and emotional control. She could finally focus on her own growth and happiness.

At the age of 15, Marinette had been battling Hawkmoth, now Shadowmoth, for three long years. As the guardian of 17 magical gods, she was constantly under immense stress. However, everything changed in her life nine months into her guardianship, and it all began with an encounter involving Lila and a near akumatization.

One day, Marinette entered the classroom after lunch, just as the bell rang. Surprisingly, her classmates had taken their seats and weren't surrounding Lila for once. Yet, a terrible feeling welled up inside her as she made her way to her seat at the back of the room. As she arrived, she discovered her sketchbook torn into shreds, scattered across her desk. In that moment, Marinette was consumed by a fierce and uncontrolled anger, thinking, "How could they?"

The entire class erupted in laughter, taunting her mercilessly.

"That'll teach her a lesson!"

"That's what you get for bullying Lila!"

"Oh, look, the little baby's about to cry!"

Amidst the chorus of jeers, Marinette tried to block out their hurtful words, attempting to regain control of her emotions. However, it was too late. She spotted the butterfly landing on her bag, signaling the presence of Shadowmoth.

"Princess Justice..." the villain began, but Marinette was already reaching for her bag.

"Not today, Hawkbitch! You will not transform me into one of your fashion disasters. I am nothing like those whiny, childish brats in this class that you akumatize on a near-weekly basis. I am Marinette fucking Dupain-Cheng, and you are not welcome here! Now, get the hell out of my head. You better pray to whatever god you believe in that you can control me, because if you give me even an ounce of power, I will hunt you down and tear you limb by limb!" Marinette screamed, her lungs burning with the intensity of her outburst.

Isabella (Marinette) Martha WayneWhere stories live. Discover now