Chapter 7

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Marinette just stared at the Kwami.
She could have change her suit?
She could have more equipment than just a yoyo?
She didn't have to have worn that skin tight, relieving suit for the last 3 years?
"Tikki..." staring straight into Tikki's eyes "run"
Marinette proceeded to chase after Tikki for a good 30 minutes before she was able to catch the Kwami. Jumping over the couch jumping off the walls as Tikki dodge, dived and phased throw the walls and household objects. Finally catching the Kwami in her hand Marinette looked at her dead on with her most serious look she could muster, whilst shaking her.
"So you mean to tell me I have been fighting against akuma's with nothing more than a yoyo because you forgot to tell me I could change my suit after Stone heart?" Marinette asked the kwami.
"yes" was all the reply she got as the Kwami was to busy trying to stop the world from spinning as Mari stopped shaking her.
"Tikki.." Marinette said looking at the kwami once she got her sense back
"No chocolate chip cookies for you for the next 2 months as punishment for forgetting something so imported. Is there anything else you need to tell me"
"Yes Guardian" replied Wayzz from the kitchen where the rest of the kwami's were watching from after they finished cleaning up.

Marinette gestured to the kwami's to move this to the couch so they did. Once everyone was settled, Wayzz began.
"As you know Guardian, since you began training with Master Fu and later myself and the others, we have mostly been teaching you magic theory because you had yet to awaken your magic. Which for a Miraculous holder is normal. Even the magical protections here had to be activated by us kwami after you, yourself wrote them.
For normal magic users the younger one is more beneficial, it is to awaken early whereas miraculous holders and Guardians tend to awaken when they are older because the strength of their magic is far stronger than they need both strong mind and body. This is the main reason why the Order tended to take their disciples around the age of 3-5 because they would have years to train them in everything from martial arts to magic theory, usually they start with martial arts because it trains and strengthens the body and meditation and other types of training trains the mind.

It was considered normal for disciples to finish, to have become a master in the martial arts by age 10 to 12 and then they would have 3 or so years to learn the more advanced magic arts before their awakening.
A guardians awakening would be from ages 12-15
A holder's awakening would be from ages 13-16 for holders who were a match for class 2 miraculous and below.
And a true holder like yourself or a holder of any class 1 miraculous and above tend to have their awakening between ages 17-21 once the body has fully grown."
"So I had my awakening because in a Guardian?" asked Marinette but the kwamis just looked at each other.
"No, Marinette that's no how it works" replied Tikki
"You shouldn't have been able to awaken your magic until you were at least 17 or if you were in a life and death situation, because you were a holder first before you were a Guardian. There can only be a few reasons why you were able to do so but the most likely is because of your exposure to almost every miraculous in the mother box except the butterfly and peacock. You were able to wear 16 miraculouses and transform with 4 of them and show no symptoms of physical or mental drain after Kwami-buster, which could only mean you were already physically and mentally mature enough for your awakening by then, you just needed a trigger."

"So, I have magic now? Cool" Marinette said happy, she had been waiting to finally be able to use magic, so many plans where now possible.

"Yes, now u have many new powers like u can transform with No time or power limit and full access to all the powers that come with the domain of the kwami. And only a full fledged guardian can unlock miraculouses restrictions to that point. And finally when transformed you will be able to communicate with us within your mind meaning we can help you come up with plans and use your powers.

There are also other benefits like being able to meet, train and interact with past holders in your mind but also past guardians, so they can teach you what you can't or don't know."

A new world is waiting at the horizon.

Marinette was in her safe room with the secret compartment where she kept the miracle box. It was like instruction manuals were just appearing in her head, strange but not unwelcome. Finishing reciting the spell in the guardian language and the box was sealed. Now there was only 2 ways to take out a miraculous, through her yoyo or for her to unlock the box. Walking back into her room heading for the bathroom for a quick shower, she had already laid out what she was wearing underneath the transformation. She would be teleporting straight to the president. Most of the government had moved outside of Paris to make sure top secret information stayed out of Hawkmoths hand so the president no longer lived at the Elysee palace, but had moved about 2 towns over out of range from akuma's and Hawkmoth but close enough to help with military intervention if necessary. They had moved most of the government to some of the old forts from the French revolution.

Marinette thought and a way of red overcame her and she was in her new suit, pausing briefly to look at her reflection getting her first close look at her new suit and its weapons. At least now she would be able to use some of the staff techniques Sabine had taught her years ago.
"Tikki, Kaalki, unify" and Lady Foal now stood, her suit had added black accents and a leather look. Not bad if she said so herself.
"voyage" dropping through the portal, the room exploded Lady Foal merely raised her hands and said,
"i'm Ladybug hero of Paris and I have come to meet the president of France to discuss the Shadowmoth situation" Lady Foal looked directly at the president sitting at her desk.
"Kaalki dismount" after the light died down Ladybug stood head held high.
"stand down" was all the president said gesturing for Ladybug to take the seat in front of the desk
"what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" asked the president
Taking the offered seat Ladybug sat down looking directly at the leader of her homeland.
"I have discovered the identity of Shadowmoth and his allies madam." Gasps were heard from all over the room. The president merely put on an serious face and went for her intercom,
"have the prime minister in my office immediately, code: scarlet maiden" after about 15 minutes of which the room sat in silence, the prime minister arrived with a few offers. After everyone was seated in the chairs Ladybug in the one closest to the door so she could see everyone. Marinette recognised merely everyone in the room.
Ministers of defence, finance, home security and even the minister of foreign affairs. Everyone she needed for her plans was here. The president pressed a button under her desk and the room went into lockdown metal shutters and everything.
"please proceed, Ladybug"

Ladybug simply nodded
"As I said when I arrived I discovered the identity of Hawkmoth now known as Shadowmoth and his allies. So far my investigation has revealed that his influence doesn't reach beyond Paris boarders both as Shadowmoth or his civilian identity. However when his identity is revealed to the public it is highly likely to cause mass unemployment and 50-70 percent of Paris's economy to collapse that will result in a financial collapse not seen since the great repression in France. "

"His civilian identity is?" asked a minister.

"Gabriel Agreste"

Isabella (Marinette) Martha WayneWhere stories live. Discover now