Chapter 15

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This is going to be fun. Illusion. Makes an illusion of herself standing and talking to Green Arrow, Red Tornado and Flash. Multitude. Divides herself in 44 versions of herself. Uproar. A Justice symbol keychain appears in her hand. Thanks Xuppu. Sublimation. The ability to be not sensed. Mini Lady Miracles run around placing themselves close to each member. Ready to touch them with the keychain.

Flash- Fine kid. Hey! Someone get Spooky and all the rest here. All the leaguers are updated on the situation. They get in a battle position. Wonder Woman stands in the middle as an umpire. Wonder Woman- All sides ready? GO!

Mini Lady Miracles touch the leaguers and they stare in shock as their powers come off in a ridiculous way. Beast Boy- Stuck in a mammoth costume instead of becoming a mammoth. What the hell happened?! Red Robin- Thinking the same Pal! His bo staff was turned into marshmallow for Pete's sake! Wonder Girl- My lasso is MUD you idiot!!!! Superman is trying very hard to use his laser eye ray but instead BUBBLES are coming out?! Weapons are made out of different delicious sweets while their powers are mainly soap based!? What the hell is happening?! While the leaguers are trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with their stuff while Wonder Woman has an amused expression while Lady Miracle's downright bending over in laughter. Batman, not amused to see this, hits Green Arrow who lets out a shrill shriek (that he will forever deny letting out despite the damning evidence) which is successful in getting everyone's attention. Batman- Your powers may not be working and your weapons are not available. (You can say that again suspiciously Red Hood) You can use your martial arts. Points at Lady Miracle who still can't seem to catch her breath. Sensing a change, Lady Miracle stands up straight and her 44 versions grow to normal-human size. They look surprised at the Lady Miracles seemingly appearing out of nowhere but this gets them into battle mode nonetheless. However Lady Miracle spent years back in time learning martial arts (thank you fluff). She would jump into the burrow and spend months and at times years, learning martial arts from masters and and jump back into the timestreams the next minute. The term 'Quick learning' never seemed more appropriate. She would pay very good money to see the look on Shadowmoth when she was fighting like a war general but was not gonna use Fluff's powers for entertainment thank you very much. ... ... ... ... ... ... The fight lasted for only 23 minutes approximately before she had the leaguers pinned to the ground. Thinking of being petty she asked Flash, (who by the way was slow as a snail after being hit and was continuously skidding over soap) "So, you were saying...?"

Isabella (Marinette) Martha WayneWhere stories live. Discover now