Chapter 8

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"Gabriel Agreste""then she isn't exaggerating, Gabriel is the largest fashion company in France, once this gets out it will cause mass boycotts and the business will go under, lucky information about the shadowmoth situation hasn't left France's borders yet.." before the finance minister could continue Ladybug cut him off."Information about Shadowmoth won't leave Paris as long as the Miraculous are in use, Apart from the information block and other things you have in place, my predecessor thought it important to place an magic barrier over all of France to insure no one especially the Justice League or the villains they fight gain any information about what has been going on here but that barrier will fall soon after all the miraculouses are in my procession and I leave France with the miraculous. So if we act right we can negate the worst possible outcome of a finance crash" Opening up her and pulling several copies of her plan and all possible emergency/contingency plans."this is my plan but in order to do this with minimum collateral damage to the people of Paris economy..."The meeting went well into the night but after hearing out her plan they all agreed it gave Paris and France the best possibility to recover from the effects of Shadowmoth, with a few tweaks here and there from the ministers.They would start by talking away Shadowmoth's allies without exposing their hands. Ladybug told them her former mouse would give them the in to take down the mayor and from there they can launch a 'public investigation' that will lead them to the police corruption and will be able to replace them with trusted people. Lila would lead them to Dupout (the foreign affairs minister will have a field day with her). As long as they do this right they can wipe out all of Gabriel's allies in a single final swipe.Monday – Noon T-48 hours till emancipation.After checking on the kwami's Marinette was able to finish her school work in record time, even for her.On the other side of the apartment, the kwami were more than ever convinced that Marinette had a great destiny ahead of her. Her natural ability to wield all the miraculouses of the mother box without harm, her natural gifts with magic, her instinct everything points to that one fact. Marinette was going to leave one hell of a mark in history.Marinette sat looking up at her bedroom ceiling when a thought accrued to her, she had taken in 16 soon to be 19 pocket gods who were cosmic beings who she has all but legally adopted as family. God dammit it was genetic, she cursed Bruce.Bruce in a board meeting. *Achoo!*At midnight on the tallest tower in Paris... guess itMarinette looked at the ring in her hand and thought how easy it was to take. Looking up she saw Plagg in the middle of an Kwami hug as the other Kwami's showed him around the apartment, Marinette's gaze never leaving the ring. Taking a deep breath and putting it on the ring, resizing itself on her right fourth finger as it turns into a stunning emerald and gold ring .Marinette sat on her arm covering her eyes thinking about the events that had undertaken an hour ago.1 hour agoLadybug, Bee and Shell (Basically Marinette transformed with Ladybug, Turtle, Mouse and Bee) stood on top of the Eiffel tower with the wind blowing strong.Not even 10 minutes passed before chat arrived"hey Buggaboo, finally going to confess your feelings for this cat" said Chat Noir as he wrapped his arms around her waist as one of his hands wandered down lower to her butt."Something like that" replied Ladybug as she put her arms around his neck, tapping her index and middle fingers against his back. Chat turned his head to the side as his eye went wide and a smile lay apon his lips."about ti..." but before he could finish he frozen as he was coated in a dark yellow light as his muscles became stiff. Ladybug's arms unwrapped from his neck as the shelter went up. Her right hand tracing down his arms reaching and slipping off the black cat miraculous, as bee and Shell reappeared taking their place behind Ladybug near the edge of the tower.Marinette looked up to Plagg as he moved over to sit on her shoulder"you ready for this Plagg?""Yeah pigtails, I'm ready" Plagg gave Adrien the saddest look she had seen in years.Marinette stood there putting her hands on his head as she gathered and forced her magic out of her body to draw the magic circle Wayzz had shown her on the surface of the tower."I, guardian of the Chinese mother box, holder of the Ladybug and chosen of Tikki, kwami of creation. Hereby revoke your right to wield the black cat miraculous, the ring of destruction. I curse you with memories of your time as Chat Noir and seal your ability to use a miraculous and to talk about them. This is my judgement as a guardian." Plagg continued "I Plagg, kwami of destruction, hereby acknowledge this judgement and agree to it." His words grew louder as he glowed. Adrien's body was enveloped in magic as his glowed.Next DayEverything went to plan and she was granted emancipation and legal independence. Tom and Sabine didn't stand a chance. They had called some of her old class to be character witnesses and had it back fire on the majorly.The trail had begun a little after noon, Tom and Sabine's lawyer was running late because of traffic. Marinette's lawyer allowed them to go first and just like they thought they tried to impugn Marinette's character by calling 'character witnesses' otherwise known as her former classmates and 'friends', but when Marinette's lawyer objected speculations and asked for the to provide proof of their accusations they only replied with 'Lila said' this and that and Marinette's lawyer back down. The only other evidence they had was school reports from Dupout but they countered that with the reports Marinette herself filed against her bullies about the destroyed sketchbooks and notes, even if they weren't officially filed but with threatening Damocles with perjury he admitted Marinette had 'claimed' she was being bullied but there was no evidence. But when asked what evidence Lila provided for her 'claims' he could only reply with 'she had people to cooperate her side' but when it was pointed out the same people who vouched for Lila where the same people she had promised connections with people that could give them a jump start in their future careers their truthfulness on vouching for anything was brought into question.But the final nail in the schools coffin was a signed statement from previous students who had their bullying reports buried because their bully had rich or influential parents.After that, they turned their fangs towards Lila herself, after calling her to the stand and making sure she knew the price for lying under oath she kept lying. Her own lawyer showed a video from the Ladyblog and asked if it was true not releasing the smug grin Marinette's side sported when he did. When they got to cross-examine her it was a bloodbath. Clip after clip of interviews Lila had done for Alya and they presented again signed statements and even a few short videos of every celeb Lila claimed to know state they did not know a Lila Rossi and when shown the video said they would be pressing charges. And with that Tom and Sabines case fell apart. The only evidence they had that Marinette was a bad person was second hand accounts from people who had been lied to, and from said lair herself, it was even pointed out that most of her lies could be disproven with a simple google search and the fact that no one, not Marinette's classmate and so called friends or even her Parent had tried clearly showed their character and showed that Tom and Sabine shouldn't have the right to look after any child if they were so gullible.From there it was a simple case of presenting proof of neglect and abuse. Showing bakery's payroll record and CCTV records to prove that they didn't pay Marinette for the hours she worked (both baking and manning the till) and that they had her working at least 3 hours after school everyday till closing even during exams season, meaning she only had from 6 to 9 to study for exams before having to get up at 3-4 to start the morning prep before heading to school.Marinette had even tracked down some past part timers they used to have before Marinette was old enough to 'take over' their duties. With the final nail being the emails with the mayor, Tom and Sabines reputation was completely destroyed and the judge ruled in Marinette's favour after they showed the judge that Miss Gamora Luscinia, P.A. to MDC was willing to adopt Marinette (thank god fake identities and people who do that for bribes as well as illusions) The judge was satisfied that Miss Gamora Luscinia was mature and responsible enough to look after Miss Marinette.Thank kwami that after a week after my emancipation my records were sealed after Tom and Sabine tried to expose who my biological father is, and I was able to convince the judge to seal both my record but even the emancipation trial record a secret for my safety, after all Bruce Wayne's kids are often kidnapped and he has already signed over his rights. And the best part? You ask? He doesn't even know it! IN YOUR FACE! You 'I-have-12-backup-plans-in-any-case'.

Isabella (Marinette) Martha WayneWhere stories live. Discover now