Chapter 10

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Lady Miracle stared at him, waiting, watching as after a moment, his chest rose. Pained rattling breaths shook his body with the effort it took to make them and his face twisted in pain. It was physical, she could see that in the way his body reacted, but the way his face fell and the sob that left him, she knew he was feeling everything.

But he was still alive.

Movement out of the corner of her eye drew her out of her appraisal of the Agreste patriarch and she saw that it was Duusu and Nooroo. Lady Miracle wondered what it was like for the two Concepts to finally see the man that had used their magic to hurt millions of people being punished after seven long years. To finally re-join their fellow Kwami after a hundred years of being 'lost'.

They watched every move Agreste made, every twitch and shudder and relished every broken sob and scream of agony that had left him and was still escaping his lips. They were waiting for her, and the realisation gave her an idea.


Destransforming herself, Tikki appeared in a small ball of light in front of her, hovering almost protectively she glared down at the man who had abused two of her brethren as her aura joined Nooroo, Duusu and Plagg's as they reunited without words.

Marinette closed her eyes, reaching within her she summoned each of the Kwami and they appeared, one by one, in glowing balls of power and light, their aura's joining the others and filling the dome as they stared down at Gabriel Agreste with predator-like focus as he whimpered.

Not a single one of the nineteen Kwami moved. But their auras fluctuated and pulsed as they tried to reign in their anger as magic, ancient, dark and dangerous danced through the air, causing Marinette's hair to stand up and she struggled to not shudder at the feel of overwhelming power.

"Curse him as much as you desire."

Marinette turned and walked towards the edge of the dome, making a portal as the Kwami stilled. The tension in the observatory snapped with an explosion and she stepped through the portal as screams and other sounds were drawn from Paris' infamous terrorist. If his screams under her curse were bad, they were nothing compared to that.

Closing the portal behind her, the noise stopped immediately and all that was left was the silence.

It was like a plug was pulled, and all energy she had drained out of her. She couldn't believe it. It didn't seem real. After years of battles, struggles, emotional repression and abuse were over.

"We did it." Marinette whispered in shock, letting her spoken words shift the weight off her shoulders and felt immediately lighter.

For the first time since she picked up the Miraculous of Creation and Fortune, swearing to free Paris from Shadow Moth, Marinette felt free.

"We won."

Court Proceedings

"Uhh, B" Tim walked down into the Batcave. "You're going to want to see this." he went to the Batcomputer, typed something in, and brought up news coverage of a court case.

The second Bruce read the title his face darkened he said, "call everyone down."

"All rise. Department One of the Supreme Court of Appeals is now in session. Please be seated."

As everyone in the court took their places, the Judge began to present the case. "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the People of Paris, France versus Gabriel Agreste, previously known as ShadowMoth. Are both sides ready?"

"Ready for the People, Your Honor."

"Ready for the Defence Your Honor"

"Lady Miracle?"

Isabella (Marinette) Martha WayneWhere stories live. Discover now