Part 1

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It had been only a few weeks since Peter came back from Asgard after getting the injection that would help his magic combine with its human cells and spider cells. 

It had only been a few days since he told MJ that he was Lokison. 

It had also been only a few days since Tony threatened Flash. Since then, Flash never messed with him again. 

Throughout these few weeks, Peter's glitching and pain remained, but it was a lot better than it was back on Asgard. 

Tony let Loki hang around the compound, and sometimes sleep there. but even then some were still skeptical about Loki being around them.

Clint had been avoiding Loki every chance he could, and everyone noticed. 

Loki was in his room laying down on the bed, tossing a ball up in the air and catching it while staring at the wall when Peter walked in. 


Loki looks at Peter. "What are you doing?" Peter asked

"Have you noticed how every time I go near Clint he refuses to be near me?"

Peter sighs and sits on the bed. "Yeah. But I think he's just getting used to living in the same place as you. To be fair, you did mind control him"

Loki sits up. "It wasn't my choice. I was being mind controlled as well."

Peter blinks. "You were?!"

"Yes. After I let go of Thor's hand on the bridge, I was just falling. But, it's not good for anyone to  be mindlessly floating around in space. I was going to die. But then this ship appeared and found me. I got pulled in, and when I was in the ship, I was surrounded by these alien creatures. Then this man appeared. Thanos. He gave me the scepter, telling me how he needed someone's help to take take over earth. I didn't want to do it, I don't want to rule earth. But he didn't take no for an answer. He tortured me with heat, since he knew I was a frost giant and knew that would hurt me. But I still didn't give in. He used the scepter on me and took control of my mind. I was still there, but I didn't have control. Everything I did wasn't my choice."

Peter sat silent for a while to process everything that Loki just said. 

"I didn't know that" Peter says

"No one does. Not even Thor."

"Why don't you tell them?"

"What difference will it make? It won't change the fact that I did those things, that I killed people, I hurt people. Doesn't change anything. It still happened because of me."

"Yeah, but it wasn't your fault. They need to know"

Loki get up from the bed and walks to the door. 

"It won't make a difference."

"It might"

Loki turns around and looks at Peter.

"I will not tell them. And neither will you. Is that clear?" Loki says with a stern look in his eyes. 

Peter pauses. "Ok"

Loki walks out the room. 


Hi guys!

Next Chapter coming soon. If you guys have any suggestions to what you guys may want to see, please let me know!



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