Part 4

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 Peter and Tony had been working in the lab, adding some upgrades to Peter's suit when Peter suddenly felt some pain. He grunted and learned on the table as he closed his eyes. 

Tony looked over and saw Peter flickering. He rushes over to his side and rubs Peter's back gently.

"Pete? What's going on? Are you ok?"

Peter nods and breathes deeply. 

"This- this is normal don't worry." He says strained. 

After a few seconds, Peter's shoulders relax and he stops flickering. Peter exhales deeply and looks at Mr. Stark. 

"I'm ok. Really"

"What do you mean this is normal? This has never happened before!" Tony says as he tops rubbing Peter's back.

"Well, yes and no. Remember when I told you that something was wrong with my magic and with it came pain?"

"Yeah, but I thought that was gone now that you got that injection-thingy at Asgard"

"Ok well sort of. My pain had been worsening and I was basically dying. But when I got the shot in Asgard, that was just the first one I needed to take. Put it this way. It's like a percentage bar. Before, the pain was at 100% but after the first shot in Asgard, it wet down to like 86%. Ad then the next time I take the short it'll go down to 72% and so on and so forth."

"So you're telling me that you'll be feeling pain until you get your last shot, which is in 3 years?"

"Yeah, pretty much"

Tony stares at Peter for a second. "Isn't there a way to help you not feel so much pain?"

Peter shrugs. "Not really. It's all magic and stuff like that. All I can really do is just breathe through an episode like that."

Tony makes a mental note to add a protocol that'll make FRIDAY alert him when Peter has another episode. 

Tony sighs. "If you say so kid." He goes back to working on the upgrades for Peter's suit, and so does Peter. 

"So, you must be pretty glad Loki's glad huh? I bet you missed him"

"Yeah, I did. I don't exactly remember things from before I lived with Mary and Richard, but I remember some things, little bits and pieces, like fragments. It'll be nice to catch up on, well, basically my life. And I can learn things about my magic that I didn't know how to do."

"I keep forgetting you have magic" Tony chuckles and face palms. "We should probably make some adjustments to your suit to accommodate your powers"

"I think so too, but I don't even know what I can do. All I know how to do is illusions, and I can't even do complex ones."

Tony smiles at Peter. 

"Well, maybe it's time for you to figure out just what you can do"




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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