Part 3

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Meanwhile, in a different part of the compound, Tony was wondering what he was in Peter's life now. 

Peter's birth dad, Loki, had come back.

So  where does that put Tony?

After May died he was the one that took care of Peter. 

Will Peter move out and go live with Loki? Would he go and live on Asgard? 

All these questions were spiraling in his head nonstop until he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. 

Tony look over and saw Pepper, who had been the one who put her hand on his shoulder. 

"Tony, I've been calling your name for a while now. Is everything ok?"

"No, yeah. Sorry. Everything is fine"

Pepper stares at Tony for a few seconds, reading Tony's face and seeing straight through him. 

"Tony, I know you better than that. Something is bothering you, what is it?"

Tony sighs and looks at Pepper. "You know how Loki is here? And how we found out he's Peter's dad? Like biological dad?"


"Well, where does that leave me?"

"What do you mean?" Pepper says, tilting her head to one side. 

Tony looks down at the ground. 

"Well I mean, I've stepped in and I've been like Peter's dad for a while now. But now that Loki, his real dad is back, where does that leave me? I mean, I'm not his real dad"

"Tony look at me", Pepper says, tilting Tony's head to look at her. "You may not be Peter's blood father, but you are still very much his dad. You took care of him after May died, you're care for him, you've loved his as your own son, and so much more. Just because Loki is back doesn't mean that it makes you less of a dad to Peter, and it doesn't mean that he'll stop caring about you"

Tony looks at Pepper for a few seconds before resting his head against her chest, wrapping his arms around her waist. She hugs him back and combs her fingers through his hair. 

They hear a knock at the door, and Peter's head pops through the opening. 

"Hey, Mr. Stark I-" Peter pauses. "Was I interrupting something?"

Tony chuckles as he stands. "No kid. Also how many times have I told you to call me Tony? What's up"

"I call you Mr. Stark just to mess with you. I had some ideas that can be added to my suit and I was wondering if-"

Tony walks out the door enthusiastically. "Yes! Let's go", he says grabbing Peter's hand and leading him to the lab with a smile on his face. 


Short chapter again, I'm sorry, I'm trying to get back into the story-writing mindset after I had stopped writing for a while. 

Again, if there is anything you guys want to see in this story or any suggestions, feel free to comment them! 



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